Saturday, 21 September 2013

What Are Genital Warts ?

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Genital warts are an infection, which is classified as contagious. It leads to the development of infections on the skin around the genital areas within the body. This infection is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The infection is transferred from one person to another via
sexual contact. There are nearly 100 varieties of this virus. Some types can even produce warts on parts of the body other than the venereal area. Genital warts are caused by strains number six and 11 of the HPV virus. Some strains can even lead to the development of cancer. This is a common infection that can affect people from all backgrounds. It is estimated that nearly 1,000,000 people suffer from this problem in America alone. Genital warts usually take around six weeks or six months to erupt after an individual has been infected. This largely depends upon the immunity of the individual. People who have a strong immune system are not likely to display any signs of infection even for years. People may not realize that they have been infected because the symptoms they see will not be prominent. Symptoms that are often noticed are small flesh-colored or soft bumps on the skin. If neglected, they can spread and appear as clusters. They are not painful, but they are certainly itchy. They have a tendency of growing rapidly especially among women who are pregnant or patients would be undergoing treatments of different kinds that may affect their immune system. This infection is not considered dangerous but can leave an individual facing some level of discomfort. People who indulge in sexual contact with multiple partners are likely to come across this infection regularly. Women who are pregnant should have a consultation with their gynecologist if they have had this infection at sometime during their lives. This is essential because the expert consulted can prepare for complications if any during childbirth. Finding a remedy for genital warts is not difficult because there are a number of over the counter medications that can be used. The medical fraternity has devised a number of treatments that are not only effective but can deal with such issues effectively. However, the treatments applied will never be able to eradicate the HPV virus that will continue to remain within the body. Therefore, it can be assumed that this is a difficult infection to treat. People will be in a better position if they decide to practice safe sex and keep away from unhealthy practices. Getting infected by the HPV virus will mean that people would have begun a battle that can take years to overcome.
You will also like to see the symptoms and treatments available for genital warts, click here

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