Saturday 26 October 2013

Water Is A Great Healer But It Also Can Kill You!

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Do we know everything about water we should know? Water is important for our survival, preferably natural clean water without chemicals. Every day you can see people carrying a bottle of water, seeing the same in cars where the water bottles neatly stuck in bottle holders. Over the years we have become a water conscious society which must do something good for our health.

Somehow this water saga does get confusing. One report says never drink water straight from the tap; the other story tells us the water sold in plastic bottles is worse than tap water!
Many such claims based on theory rather on scientific facts. Never the less, let's keep an open mind on both theories and look at them individually.
The most conveniently and endless supply is tap water. How good is it? That depends on where you are and how many chemicals this water contains. No matter where you are no tap water is chemical free. How does tap water compare against our bottled water we often pay good money for? None of the answers are simple, but here are some facts!
Tap water, you've got it with the twist of your wrist!
With many taps in the house and around the garden it's just as accessible as flicking a switch for electricity or gas.
The difference is, the water we are drinking is important and needed by our body for different functions. The quality of water matters most, and this is not the water coming from the tap or out of a plastic bottle.
On this earth is no place where water from the tap is free of chemicals or from water purifiers used through the filtering system. There are big variations in water, even to that extent that the water from the tap today is not the same water from the tap tomorrow. This water is not going to kill you over night, but because of the chemicals some people are allergic to it can vary in ways with a variety of symptoms such as headaches, skin eruptions, loose bowels, constipation, coughing, etc.
High concentrations of toxic metals such as chromium have been found in many water supplies, many times above health safety. Chlorine is to kill bacteria in drinking water, and mixed with other particles it creates extremely products that may raise the risk of many illnesses, even cancer.
An estimated 3 million people die each year from water sanitation and hygiene related causes and most of them occur in our developing world.
The benefit of clean filtered water cannot be rated high enough as without it we would not be able to survive. The water a filtering system produces as in quality be high in PH, ORP anti-oxidant properties, high mineral content, and active hydrogen, similar to water that comes of a glacier or straight from a mountain spring.
Bottled water: Has it got any benefits besides the price we pay?
According to most reports: None! Some say it's no better than tap water, others say it is even worse.
Water in plastic bottles becomes toxic over time and is most effected when changes of temperature occurs. As this water sits in storage, shelfs or in the car where temperatures change to the extreme, the effect of leaching toxins from the plastic container into the water becomes more dominant through change of temperatures.
Women be aware!
Women may become most vulnerable by drinking this kind of water left in cars. There is evidence that women who drank this type of water contributed to breast cancer as the same toxic-dioxin was found in breast cancer tissues. At no time plastic containers ar safe using to heat food or drinks, not even pre prepared microwave meals because leaching from the plastic will occur.
The only safe containers to use are glass, Pyrex, ceramic, stainless, not all aluminium containers are safe because of lining that can also leach into the water.
Do not assume that bottled water is any more pure, healthier or safer than tap water.
How much clean water should we drink?
Yes, we need water, especially in hot weather. You should never let your body become dehydrated.
If you feel thirsty drink until your thirst has gone; never force yourself to drink water. Is it possible to drink too much water? While it is possible, it's rare for anyone to drink too much water. When consuming too much water some important minerals being flushed from your body. If your sodium level drops too low, it can lead to Hyponatremia. When your body retains too much water, it can cause cells to swell, and if this continues it becomes harmful to the brain and can even lead to death.
Some coaches and Gym instructors tell you to drink two litres or eight glasses of water every day. There is no scientific method behind such quantities. Do those people take into account of a person such as size and weight, fitness level, environment, altitude or any other factors that could affect the need of so much fluid?
Be aware, be your own judge. It's best to use thirst as your guide.
Being vigilant of what we consume because our health and life depends on it and the power of knowledge will give you the health you deserve!

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