Tuesday 1 October 2013

How To Quit Smoking When You Have No Support

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So you want to quit smoking, and there are other smokers in your life, work and environment, but they are not supporting you, in fact they are actively thwarting your efforts.
They may be using their smoking as a form of power and control over you, they may see your success as their failure, or perhaps they are just not very nice people.

The reasons don't really matter, what is of importance is that you want to quit for yourself, and that you ignore these people who do not have your best intentions at heart, and that is being nice to say the least. A less polite thought may be that these people would be happy to see you die a slow painful death.
They mightn't speak or say it in those terms but that is exactly what they mean.
So what do you do? You must quit, you can't give in on yourself just because others are happy to keep poisoning selves. You must be true to yourself and your future.
You can imagine how difficult it would be going cold turkey with others smoking around you, taunting you, and challenging you to not smoke. If you are an incredibly strong individual then you might just make it. But as long as you remain with these people you will always be one step away from lighting up.
Or you could load your arms and shoulders with nicotine patches, the problem is that most people will still smoke with patches on so all you end up with is a body and brain full of nicotine and you are still smoking.
Hypnosis will set you up to not just be a non smoker but to be able to be around smokers and not want to join them. You won't find their second hand smoke pleasant, but no non smoker ever does.
However during the hypnosis session you will be given a suggestion that will have you just feel sorry for the smokers, and that when you see one light up a cigarette it will make you feel good, you will feel better about your decision to quit the more others smoke, even if they smoke right in your face.
This will have an interesting effect on the non supportive smokers in your life. Your success may annoy them but soon they will stop bugging you and perhaps they may be inspired by your determination.
 The best advice one can get is the one you give to your self personally.
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