Saturday, 21 September 2013

Genital Warts: Signs and Symptoms, Treatments

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  In the previous post I opened the briefcase of genital warts for you, so as to let you know what it is all about. Click here if you didn't meet up with it. Although genital warts are not dangerous as the name sounds but we all need to be healthy, with a smooth confidence skin. But the only danger gernital warts can pose to humanity is They can cause sores and bleeding — which can increase your risk of HIV infection. now I am going to let you know the symptoms, and
treatment to genital warts. This is the type of skin infection that you wouldnt try to live with. Note: Not all warts are genital wart! Only your health care provider can correctly diagnose genital warts. In women, genital warts are often seen during a pelvic exam Men are not usually examined for sexually transmitted diseases, Unless when symptoms arises. Ok.....leggo: Common genital warts symptoms are flesh-colored, soft-to-the-touch bumps on the skin; that may look like the surface of a cauliflower. They often grow in more than one place and may cluster in large masses. Genital warts usually are painless, but they may itch. You might see or feel genital warts in your vagina or on your vulva, cervix, penis, anus, or urethra . It is also possible — but not very likely to have them in your mouth, on the lips, tongue, and palate, or in the throat. Genital warts usually develop 6 weeks to 6 months after infection. But it may take longer . They often grow more rapidly during pregnancy or when a person's immune system is weakened by:
 • chemotherapy
• diabetes
 • Hodgkin's disease
• taking anti-rejection drugs after an organ   transplant.

 Doctors generally use topical creams to deal with mild cases of genital warts. These creams can also be used from the comfort of your home. However, you are advised to refrain from sexual activity when the cream has been applied. It can deteriorate the condition of any protection that you could be using at that moment.
 The most common cream offered in these conditions is Aladra. Condylox is another topical application, which is commonly used. This has to be applied by the doctor you are seeking treatment from. Initially, doctors will suggest that they provide the treatment. In later stages you can use the same from the comfort of your home. This is a plant- based resin that can destroy genital wart tissue. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant.
 There is another treatment that is known as trichloroacetic acid. This chemical burns away the warts. However, it must only be applied by a qualified professional. Severe conditions are treated with more complicated procedures such as cryotherapy, surgical excision and laser treatments. All the above can remove the external warts on the genital areas but not the HPV virus which will continue to remain in your body.
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