Wednesday 2 October 2013

How to Lose Excess Belly Fat

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It's an all too common story. Every now and then people see a dress or outfit which they would like to wear. The colour seems just perfect for their skin tone and blends right in with the occasion which they have planned. The only problem is even though the dress might be a right fit it is hardly a flattering one. Not when there is a bulge where a flat tummy should ideally be.

Few people appreciate the sight or presence of belly fat. Belly fat is not only unattractive it is also hardly healthy. Fortunately, it is possible to get your stomach firm and flat again by following the right rules. The following are some of the tips and guides on how to lose belly fat.
Pay attention to your Diet:
  Fat doesn't just happen. It is caused by various factors one of which is a person's dietary habits. The meals which we eat provide the fuel needed by our body. In situations when we eat far more than our body requires, the extra unused calories is then converted to fat and stored by our body. Most of these end up in our stomach.
In order to lose belly fat, you will first need to ensure that you are in fact not increasing the amount of fat being stored by your body. Achieving this will require monitoring your daily calorie intake and eating just enough to meet the daily energy needs of your body. The more you weigh the more calories your body will require. Therefore as your weight reduces, you will need to also reduce the amount of food which you consume.
It is important to note that a diet is not affected by the volume of the meals which you eat but the amount of calories which you contain. A chocolate bar might be a lot smaller in size than 2 sandwiches but it does contain a lot more calories within it. This is why people are encouraged to eat of meals processed and instead eat more of healthy foods which are rich in fiber. Eating this will make you feel full but provide much less in way of calorie intake. Exactly what you need to lose belly fat.
Exercise more:
  Although paying attention to your diet will allow you lose some of your unwanted body weight there are other ways through which this process can be improved. Exercising is one of them. There are major forms of exercises which can be done and each contributes in its own way to effective fat burn.
The first involves cardio or aerobic routines such as running, swimming, walking or cycling. These exercises are particularly effective because they elevate a person's heart rate and maximize the amount of fat which a person can burn. Cardio routines also lift the body's metabolism and so long after you have stopped working out; your body will still go on burning belle fat even if you are not moving.
The second type of exercise which is effective at burning fat is resistance/weight lifting routines. Unlike cardio workouts which are great at burning fat, these exercises are more effective at building the muscle tone of a person. You can therefore increase your muscle mass and give your physical frame an even more impressive look.
However, alongside these there is also an important benefit that comes with increased muscle mass. The human muscle consumes calories. As a result of this building up your muscle tone will increase the amount of calories which your body requires during the day. You will therefore be able to burn more calories even if you are not working out. You'll burn more calories in the office. You'll burn more calories at home. You'll even burn more calories whilst you're sleeping.
Adopting healthy lifestyle habits: Few people realize that failing to catch adequate sleep or maintaining high stress levels increases the body's tendency to gain weight. When we are depressed, tired or moody, our body's metabolism becomes much slower thereby reducing how much calories we burn during the day. More importantly, most people who are exhausted or depressed tend to eat far more than they require. For example, a tub of ice cream might seem the best way of getting through a bad break-up but the effect on your stomach will be anything but nice. If you wish to lose belly fat, ensure that you get enough sleep and avoid situations that might put you under a lot of strain.
You should also reduce the amount of caffeine you consume daily and avoid skipping your meals particularly breakfast.

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