Saturday, 21 September 2013

BBM for iPhone Download Link

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Blackberry has finally rolled out BBM to iOS users. The Blackberry Messenger for iPhone app is already available for download in the App Stores for New Zealand and Australia as at the time of publishing this post. It works with iPhones powered by iOS 6 or later.

Even though BBM Video, BBM voice and BBM Channels have not been included in this version of BlackBerry Messenger, the Canadian company confirmed these features will be available soon via update. Users are encouraged to sign up for updates at

With BBM for iPhone, you will get a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don’t have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact. You will be able to send and receive messages in seconds with up to 2000 characters, and know when messages are delivered and read.

Users of BBM for iOS will also be able to share photos, videos, voice notes and files up to 6 MB, and show others what they are listening to on their smartphone. They will also be able to create groups as well as broadcast a message to multiple BBM contacts at one time.


Where Can I Download BBM for iPhone?

You can get download BBM for iPhone at Appstore here.

NOTE: If it is not yet available in your local App store, you will have to create a new Apple ID using "New Zealand" as your country if you want to download it from the link above. A trick found at sofpedia suggests you choose None in the "Credit Card" window and add in Jacksonville under "Subburb" and 6004 as "Postal Code" when filling the billing address.

I hope it works for you.

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