Friday 13 February 2015

6 Factors That Fuel The Spread Of Disease In An Environment

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It shouldn't be a new story to us all that micro-organisms are the cause of all the numerous diseases and infections that have caused mankind so much pain. They have taken our loved ones away from us, made us fall sick, and has tormented our dear lives in so many different and life threatening ways.

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Have you ever imagined living a life without sickness? I mean a life that you don’t have to bother about falling sick from any of the diseases caused by the numerous disease micro-organisms that have being roaming our planet earth for ages. Ifnot pushed your sense of imagination to that extent you are really missing a lot because I have done so and I bet you, it’s an exciting experience if at all it can ever come to pass, which I guess.

Micro-organisms cause diseases and infections and they can be found almost everywhere on the surface of the earth, they can be found floating around and suspended inside the air we breathe, they can be found in large quantity inside the assumed clean water we drink every day. Man has tried everything possible to keep its environment clean and void from this tiny, microscopic enemies, all to no avail. So many techniques has being employed to make this assignment a success but we are still far from what we will wish to call success.

In this article, I will try to highlight a number of environmental factors that influences the spread of this micro-organisms, in other wards causing diseases to us, the humans.

  • Water Supply:

Water they say is a universal solvent. It is the most abundant substance on planet earth. It is very important in our lives but when it contains harmful organisms it is more harmful than good. Drinking or cooking with water that contains so many harmful organisms is very dangerous. Lack of safe and clean water in an environment, inadequate excreta disposal facilities, poor hygiene can provide disease micro-organisms a conducive habitat to live and breed in. A large number of the existing disease micro-organisms can fend very well when surrounded by water.

  • Sanitation Facilities:

Since mankind cannot completely do away with this micro-organisms, reducing their number in a giving place can help checkmate the level at which they spread diseases and this is done by sanitation. Keeping the environment clean with efficient equipment have always being the way up. Developed countries can almost boost of that while developing and under-developing countries are still very far behind in the race to checkmate this micro-organisms.  This is because the Government cannot provide its citizens with good and efficient sanitation facilities.

  • Climatic Change:

Our climate has a lot of roles to play in the spread of disease. Climatologists have identified upwards trends in global temperatures and has also estimated an unprecedented increase of 2.0 degrees centigrade by the year 2100. Micro-organisms will always fend well in environments with increased temperature. Entropy will be very high and they will continue feeling homely until the temperature increases to a level where they can’t survive any longer. The micro-organisms, plasmodium in mosquitoes and other micro-organisms that cause dengue fever, viral encephalitdes are among the organisms that are most sensitive to climate.

  • Air:

The air we breathe can act as a means of transport for so many disease micro-organisms. Micro-organisms suspended inside the air can be transported into our nostrils when we breathe in air. Mostly so many micro-organisms mix together with dust particles, making their existence and movements hiding.

  • Food:

We eat to live, but when the food we eat has being contaminated with deadly micro-organisms; then the food we eat will be more of harm than good to us. Food substances that wasn’t preserved will easily be attacked by micro-organisms which will breed and form a community inside the food, when ingested, the micro-organisms manifest within us the humans and causes diseases.

  • Carrier Organisms:

Disease micro-organisms can be transmitted from one organism to another. This is one of the major means by which diseases spread. Plasm odium which causes malaria can be transmitted to man by mosquitoes. Man can also pass diseases to each other through body fluid contacts like sweat, semen, saliva. This is the most dangerous factor that has being giving rise to the spread of diseases since the beginning of planet earth.

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As usual, your contributions, questions and what so ever has always being welcomed here on any article on Cliniconomy in form of comments.

If you don’t have anything to comment about. Why not tell us the most dangerous and effective factor whereby diseases have being spreading throughout the human population.

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