Tuesday 3 March 2015

Essential Tips to Remember For Good Oral Hygiene

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Good oral hygiene is essential to a happy and healthy life. If you skip out on proper oral hygienic practices, you may be putting yourself at risk of developing dental problems and dealing with the discomfort and costs that come with them.

And since poor oral health is linked to serious illnesses, you could become more prone to conditions as serious as diabetes or heart disease. So it goes without saying that you should never take your oral health for granted.

Brush twice a day

If you don’t brush your teeth twice on a daily basis, plaque could build up and make you more prone to tooth decay and gum disease.

The best technique is to stroke the toothbrush with a short, circular motion at a 45-degree angle. When brushing your molars, the toothbrush should be positioned perpendicular to the lips, with the bristles resting gently on the surface of the teeth. Move it from the back of the mouth to the front with no sideways motion.

For the inner surfaces of your teeth, hold the brush so its head points toward the gum line. Then, brush every tooth vertically. Do this gently to avoid hitting the gums. Lastly, use the bristles to carefully clean your tongue.

Always take your time. Don’t be hasty, and spend half a minute on each of your mouth’s quadrants. Once you’re done, you can rinse your teeth with an antibacterial mouthwash for good measure.

Keep in mind that you should replace your toothbrush at least once every four months. If you have braces, you may need to use a special toothbrush or another tool to clean your teeth.

Floss daily

Your teeth can’t be completely clean if you don’t floss at least once a day. While the soft bristles of your toothbrush can thoroughly remove plaque from the surface of your teeth, getting rid of the food particles between them is a job for the dental floss.

Just remember to be careful when inserting the floss between your teeth. Do it gently so you won’t damage your gums. And if you have braces, you can use a wooden or plastic dental pick in lieu of floss.

Use fluoride

Fluoride is the mineral in your toothpaste and mouthwash that improves the strength of enamel and prevents tooth decay. You can also ask your dentist if you want to have fluoride applied on your teeth.

However, young children should use it sparingly; copious amounts of it can lead to tooth discoloration and gastrointestinal distress. In fact, your dentist will most likely tell you to use only a small amount of fluoride-filled toothpaste whenever you brush your teeth.

Applying too much toothpaste may put you at risk of ingesting fluoride, which can be very detrimental to your health.

Maintain a healthy diet

The food you eat can have a significant impact on the health of your teeth. Did you know that a diet that consists of dairy products, fruits, vegetables and other whole foods can help keep your teeth and gums resilient against damage? It is also believed that the omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and alleviate sore, swollen and bleeding gums.

It is important to avoid binging on sweet food. When simple sugars are broken down, they produce acids that damage tooth enamel, thus causing tooth decay. Sipping on soft drinks or juices is also not advisable, as it can cause avid levels to rise for extended periods.

Say no to tobacco

Tobacco is notorious for causing tooth discoloration. What’s more, long-term smoking is proven to increase the risk of gum disease. Whether you smoke cigarettes or just chew tobacco, you should think about kicking the habit as soon as possible.

Say yes to that piece of gum

Did you know that sugar-free gum can help prevent oral health problems? Chewing it helps increase the flow of saliva and gets rid of harmful bacteria. What’s more, it can help you quit smoking cold turkey and avoid eating unhealthy snacks.

Protect your teeth from trauma

If you engage in strenuous physical activities on a regular basis, wear protective gear. Aside from putting on a helmet if you are skateboarding, biking or engaging in any other intense activity, make sure that your teeth are protected. Wear a mouth guard to minimize the risk of mouth injury.

Visit your dentist

While there are proven home remedies to stop a toothache, you should not underestimate the importance of regular dental appointments. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your dental practitioner at least once every six months.

Aside from giving your teeth a thorough cleanse, your dentist can identify any semblance of decay as well as early signs of oral cancer and gum disease.

With good oral hygiene, you can avoid discomfort and expensive treatments, and of course, have a sparkling smile. Follow proper hygienic practices, and you will have healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime.

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