Wednesday 7 January 2015

What Is Gangrene? The Effective Treatment For Gangrenous Tissues

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Just like other life threatening medical conditions, medicine has always found an awkward name to give them and this one she called it Gangrene. It is used to describe the death of an area of the body which is caused when the blood supply to that part of the body is cut off, the dismissal of blood from the affected part may be caused either by an infection, vascular disease, injury or trauma. Gangrene can affect any part of the body but it is more predominant in the toes, fingers, feet and hands.

[caption id="attachment_6225" align="aligncenter" width="240"]gangrene Toe infected with dry Gangrene[/caption]



What Are The Types Of Gangrene?

There are 2 main types of Gangrene name:

  • Dry gangrene: It is the gradual reduction of blood flow through the arteries. In this type of gangrene, the gangrenous body tissue becomes cold and black, it begins to dry up and finally sloughs off (sheds away like that of the skin of a snake). It is mostly seen in people with blocked arteries (arteriosclerosis) which can either come up as a result of cigarette smoking, high level of cholesterol, diabetes and other genetic factors.


  • Wet gangrene and Gas Gangrene: This type mostly develops as a result of untreated and infected wounds. Inflammations usually occur as a result of infection which was caused by the immediate halted flow of blood to the about to be gangrenous part of the body. When the blood stops flowing to the gangrenous tissue, the growth of bacteria is increased and tremendously multiplied because the white blood cells (disease fighting cells) cannot get to the gangrenous region because of the “no blood flow zone” instituted on the tissue.

  •         Gas Gangrene: This is under wet gangrene and it looks very much like it, the different is that  gas gangrene is caused by clostridia bacteria, which can live , grow and reproduce in the absence of oxygen. As it grows, they emit poisonous toxins and gas which readily spreads into the bloodstream and has the capability to damage vital organs if not treated early.

What Are The Causes Of Gangrene?

Blood is the most important aspect of life. The red liquid is very important because it transport all the life sustaining substances round the body, to the body cells who need the resources to keep us alive. The blood transports oxygen, food substances, minerals and white blood cell which will always fight invading bacteria in the body so as to keep us healthy.

Any condition that will affect the normal flow of blood increases the risk of gangrene. Because blood keeps the cells alive and when the blood doesn’t get to the cell, the cell dies off and that is it. So, the conditions that can cause gangrene, includes:

  • Smoking

  • Obesity

  • Trauma

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Diabetics

  • Artery Disease

  • Injury


What Are The Symptoms Of Gangrene?

The symptoms of gangrene includes:

  1. The infected area is initially red and later turns to cold and numb when not properly treated.

  2. It becomes black and shriveled (dry gangrene)

  3. In wet gangrene, the infected area swells up and putrefies.

  4. It becomes unbearably painful

  5. Local oozing occurs.

  6. The infected region produces an awful odor

  7. It becomes black.

  8. The patients gradually develops a fever. Increases heart rate and rapid breathing if the toxins in the infected part spreads into the blood stream.

  9. In some cases of gas gangrene, the gas produced by clostridia produces a cracking or skin breaking sensation when the affected area is pressed down.

A quick question before we continue, as you have seen the symptoms of the three types of gangrene, which of them looks more deadly and scary to you?


What Are the Various Ways to Prevent Gangrene?

So, enough of the long scary story about gangrene, let us look at the ways in which you can prevent gangrene. Like so many other health conditions, the most important weapon in the treatment arsenal is the prevention.

  • Simple, keep your wounds clean to avoid infections. Clean wound with antiseptic solution.

  • Watch out for the signs that the injury has already being infected, such signs includes pus, redness, swelling and pain.

  • People with diabetics should keep an eye on their blood sugar level, using proper medication to monitor it.

  • If you are a cigarette smoker, you have to stop smoking.

  • If eventually your injury becomes infected. Consult a qualified Doctor.

  • Exercise and keep fit.


What Are the Available and Effective Methods For The Treatment Of Gangrene?

Introduction of antibiotics has proven its prowess in eliminating gangrene. Antibiotics will prevent the spread of any bacteria infection.

To treat dry gangrene, which is caused by the lack of blood flow. Trying to restore the blood supply will be very important. This could be carried out through surgery.

Wet gangrene and gas gangrene needs to be treated aggressively and with intense caution, this is because of the infection accompanying it. A type of surgery called Surgical Debridement (removal of dead tissues) is performed, alongside the application of intravenous (inside the blood vessels) antibiotics are administered to control infection.


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