Wednesday 31 December 2014

12 Health Articles That Went Viral On Cliniconomy During 2014

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2014 has ended, gone and will be forever be forgotten. We cannot come across it any longer in the history of planet earth. To many blogs it was a year to really remember throughout its existence in which this blog, Cliniconomy is not an exception. Cliniconomy started out late April 2014, owned by Jay Henry. During its 8 months existence it has struggled to be at its present position, with 278 health articles which have brought Google to crawl the the site on daily basis and our alexa ranking so encouraging, i have a strong belief that by the end of 2015 it will be the best health, beauty and body fitness blog ever in the blogosphere.

I will say, it has being a very long and though year blogging, filled with hard-work, sleepless nights, hours of gazing into the computer screen and days of deprived pleasure. I will not fail to thank you all, my blog readers, my email suscribers and my fellow blogger friends, Lilian Nwobu, Kinsely felix on healhable and so many others for their friendship and endless support whenever i am lost in this web space called the cliniconomy. Your love and care was one of the reasons why Cliniconomy is still existing on the Internet.


I will not fail to acknowledge, Jon Morrow, whom his long and periodic articles on Boostblogtraffic has helped me a lot when i need to learn how the Internet and the blogosphere works. Also, i acknowledge Jide, who blogs at  Ogbongeblog and Doncaprio, this are the fathers in the blogosphere here in my country, i have always ran to their blogs for help on how to manipulate certain things here in cliniconomy.  A very big thank you to you all, and as 2015 unfolds, we will all continue to reap the fruits of our labor.

Here is a selected list of 12 health articles that went viral on cliniconomy during 2014, you would like to take a look at them, share them to your friends on the social media or even bookmark it for future reference. Remember you are free to ask me any question regarding any of the articles and i will be glad to answer you.


Sperm cells can be very fragile, learn those factors that make sperm cells uncomfortable and eventually kills them


This health article targets the ladies wouldn't just see their periods at the expected range of time and the first thing that comes to their mind is "i am pregnant". What if you are not pregnant? Look into that link see the 5 reasons why your period is being delayed.


Most guys find it hard to keep at it and satisfy their partner. Inside that link is a product on review that helps you last longer in bed.


This is a counter article to number 1 above. Some women are not just born barren. See the factors that can cause infertility in women, it can really help you snap out from your female fertility harmful lifestyle. If you are not looking up to get pregnant in life, then you can jump to another con


Sometimes, certain things usually happens to us and we don't even bother to know why things are like that. Have you ever though, why do human being itch????????? Now you must be thinking about that. Thank God, i've written it down in that link.

Make home made apple Cider vinegar hair rinse. Your hair can really take up a very good state if you should consider and  give it a shot.


So many people like things that are being  done so easily, no stress or disturbance, this 6 free smart phone apps will give you the most easiest body fitness you can ever imagine.


How does high altitude affects your body system? The link to this health article above explains it all.


The eye disorder, Glaucoma is a silent sight killer and checkmating it at all cost is all a patients can do to  help his sight. I wrote it all down inside the article.


Yet another good article of the year, talking about the eye, this time around, computer vision syndrome. Check it out


Just a question, me too i really need answers to the question. Why not check out the link to see if you can help clear my curiousity.


Finally, First aid treatment for Gunshot injuries. I dont know why somebody shouldnt read this article. After all, it is a first aid treatment, who knows.......?


That is just the few selected health articles that went viral on cliniconomy. Again, To my blog readers, thank you for your presence. This blog wouldn't have being in existence for 8 good months if not for people like you. For your presence i am preparing a special freebie which is still under construction and i have decided to keep its identity away from you guys until it is ready. Please hang around by subscribing to our newsletter:

We will not publish your email, sell it or make it available for any other company. We will keep your emails secret and confidential and use it for the purpose so thereof stated.

new year

Happy New Year!
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