Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Pluck or Not to Pluck? 6 Hair Removal Alternatives

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Many of us are familiar with the sharp pain, streaming eyes and itchy nose that follows plucking the eyebrows, but what are the alternatives and which hair removal techniques could you try next?

There are actually several hair removal techniques out there and often, it’s a case of trial and error and finding out which methods suit you best and which produce the best results for you. Some are quick and easy short-term measures, while others provide longer lasting results. While plucking is ideal for doing last-minute shaping or removing the odd stray hair you may have missed, it’s not the best solution for covering large areas or removing hairs without any pain. Here are some of the best alternatives to plucking:




Threading is a very popular technique for shaping and trimming the eyebrows. This ancient technique, which originated in Turkey, involves using a fine thread to trap fine hairs and then pull them out. Threading is slightly uncomfortable, but not painful, and it doesn’t put your skin under as much strain as other hair removal techniques. The results usually last for weeks. Threading should only be done by a trained practitioner, as there is a technique to it; prices vary from around £5 to £20.




Waxing is very popular and it is versatile; it can be done on many different body parts and you can do it at home or pay more for a beautician to do it for you. Waxing is commonly used to remove hair from the legs, back, chest and bikini line and it can also be used to remove unwanted facial hair on the top lip and to shape the eyebrows. Waxing can be painful, but the pain is short-lived and the results last for around 6 weeks.


Laser hair removal


Laser hair removal is the latest beauty trend to hit salons and it is excellent news for people who really struggle with hair, as well as those who want a long-term solution. Laser technology can be used to gradually destroy the hair follicle, which reduces hair growth considerably. Treatment involves a series of sessions and the results should mean that you don’t need to worry about hair removal or feel self-conscious about your body or facial hair, or many years to come. Laser hair removal is much more expensive than many other techniques, but it represents a long-term investment. Discover more at Bradford laser removal.




Shaving is most people’s go-to fix for unwanted body hair and it is rapid, painless and easy. You can shave most parts of the body and there is no recovery time; the only real issue with shaving is that the hair grows back quickly, as the hair is not removed at the root, as it is with waxing and epilating.




Epilating is a technique, which is used to remove the hair at the root for excellent results. The technique is relatively simple; you gently guide the epilator along the skin and it does all the hard work for you, grabbing the hairs and pulling them out, several at a time. Epilating is fairly uncomfortable, but the results do last a long time.


Hair removal cream


Hair removal cream is a painless and convenient way of removing hair. All you have to do is apply the cream to the skin and then use a plastic paddle to remove it, taking the unwanted hair with you. This method is very good for the legs and it’s great if you’re in a hurry.

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  1. Advice & soloutions to all the problems woman face when it comes to beauty, health & wellness.
