Yesterday, i got to talk with a friend who have being away for long. We got into a heated conversation that took some hours to pull out from. We vaulted from one topic to another until we hopped into the topic about how we all read hard to secure our admissions into our present course of study in our various tertiary institutions. My friend started narrating how he used to mix coffee without milk in warm water to drink every night he was to burn his night candles to read for long. He said he was aware of the side effects of coffee but he just needed to stay awake.
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He easily gets hungry again after every meal. His appetite increased and he started eating too much. His limbs cant stay steady whenever he is hungry, they will keep on shaken until he gets something to eat.
He jerks often like somebody pricked him with a sharp needle. People started thinking that he was about to develop a kind of epilepsy.
He wasn't strong as he used to be, and he appearance looks so weak.
According to him, his doctor said that it is the side effect of the coffee he took while preparing for his exams that the coffee has distructed his body system and it will take some time to return to normal. The Doctor told him that people experience the side effect of coffee in an entirely different way. While a few won't experience it at all. The Doctor also adviced him to eat well and sleep well. And today he is healthy again only that he still eats alot.
Drinking lots of coffee will promote the release of the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These chemicals increase your body’s heart rate, blood pressure and tension
levels rises.
We drink coffee to give us energy. But for most of us the energy will never come if the coffee has being taken in a wrong way and when the side effects of coffee befalls on us it will come in a kind of jittery tension that is always on and makes it difficult to relax? Maybe it pushes you to get through the paperwork, but longer-term the health implications of this kind of ongoing stress are significant.
Turning on the stress hormones with a cup of coffee also interferes with the digestive process. When you’re in ‘fight or flight’ mode, your body will divert its resources to being ready for a potential threat and digestion suffers as a result.
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Studys has it that the caffeine in coffee is known to interfere with GABA metabolism. Gamma- aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter involved in regulating mood and stress levels. It should also have a calming effect on the gastro–intestinal tract.
Your mood and your digestive system are surprisingly interrelated. Unfortunately, when you drink a lot of coffee the high levels of caffeine in it can negatively affect both of them. Bringing about the side effects of caffeine.
I think that was what happened to my friend, i wish i have explained it better. I need contributions. Please let us hear what you have to say concerning this health issue and also the side effects of coffee.