Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Varicose veins: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

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This is a condition whereby the vein is dilated and twisted near the surface of the skin. usually around the legs and ankle as a result of structural changes in the walls or valves of the vessel. They don't poss any threat to the body and usually aren't
serious, but they can sometimes lead to other problems.

Causes Of Varicose veins
1) Defects of the valves in the veins
Varicose veins are caused by weakened valves and veins in your legs. Normally, valves control the flow of blood from your legs up toward your heart . If these valves cease to function properly as they should, blood collects in your legs, they are locked up in the veins in your legs as a result of these pressure builds up. The veins become weak, large, and twisted.

2) Heriditary:

Sometimes, it runs through the blood, meaning, if your parents were once a victim, you are susceptible to vericouse vein

3) Intra- abdominal [fibrous] new growth

4) Intra- abdominal pressure as it occurs in pregnancy.

Varicose veins are dark blue, swollen, and twisted under the skin.

While some people don't have any symptoms at all, others are plagued with heaviness on the affected area, burning, aching, tiredness, or pain and swelling in the affected area, mostly the ankle and legs. Symptoms may be worse after
you stand or sit for long periods of time.

• Avoid long periods of sitting or standing.
• Get plenty of exercise.
• Sclerotherapy: An injection is administered into the vessels, which makes them shrink.
• Laser treatment to close off the vein.
•Ligation and stripping to tie off and remove the vein.
• Radiofrequency treatment
• Phlebectomy, or stab avulsion, is a procedure developed by dermatologist surgeons that removes varicose veins
through small, slit-like incisions in the skin.
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