Monday, 8 September 2014

Child Marriage: Child Birth Problems Associated With Early Marriage

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child marriage

The main purpose why most marriages take place is mainly for the purpose of reproduction. Nobody wants his bloodline to end with  him when he must have left this planet, that is why men try to procreate and make sure they that leave behind off-springs to keep their lineage up and going.

Unfortunately, in some countries,  most young girls and under age ones are dragged into what we all call child marriage, because of certain reasons ranging from poverty, parental pressure, insecurity, as well as for political and financial reasons. Today, child marriages are still fairly widespread in some developing countries, such as parts of Africa, South Asia,Southeast and East Asia, West Asia,Latin America,and Oceania.
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According to W.H.O and U.N.I.C.E.F on child marriage issues, the age in which any individual should be considered an adult is from the age of 18. As a girl, marriage when you are below the age of 18 is going to harm you and make your life miserable unless the few lucky ones. Some are giving away for marriage by their parents at the age of 13. At this age they are undeveloped both mentally, physiologically and otherwise. Their pelvic bone which houses the organs necessary for reproduction may not be matured enough to carry the uterus, the bladder and every other organ.


Secondly, during delivery, the uterus compresses heavily on the urinary bladder, the compression of the uterus on the bladder might cause a rupture on the urinary bladder which will cause an abnormal communication between the vagina, uterus and urethra and make urine to leak into and out unto the vagina which unlike the urethra doesn't have the sphincters to control the flow of urine,  so the urine flows out freely through the vagina at will.

In some cases, the vaginal pathway through which the baby will come out from will be too narrow to allow for passage for him/her. The Doctor or midwife on ground will be required to give a slight incision on the vagina so as to expand the vagina, most atimes these slight cuts extend to the anal region, causing an abnormal communication between the anus and the vagina, then feces will creep out through the vagina.  This is not a condition any young girl will like to experience.

A child can not be a child and give birth to a child, resulting to two children. The universe can never be balanced that way. Most of these girls end up in a miserable life of poverty because they are likely to have being deprived from there right to education. Early married girls have a double mortality rate during child birth than women giving birth in their 20s. These young girls are at an increased risk of chronic anemia and obesity. Lastly, studies show that  child marriages lead to young girls that have a higher risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and murder.

The problems stated above is referring to any under aged girl that tries to give birth to a child through the vagina, be it married or still single. So, over to you, at what age do you think it is proper for a girl to start looking up to marriage? If you should seek my opinion i will say she should be of the age of 21 and above so as to give her room for development. What do you think about that? Do you have any counter opinion regarding the proper age of marriage i stated above? Let us know on the comment box.


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