Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Link Between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease

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According to a recent study published by AST Enzymes, which came with an information that goes against everything we’v already known about saturated fat and heart disease. What role does saturated fat actually has to play in heart disease? We have being hearing  the sermons for ages; stating that we should  limit your saturated fat intake. Eating foods like butter, red meats, and cheese on a regular basis has been associated with adverse heart health for years.

According to Digeseb, which stated on a critics level on the saturated fat hypothesis that when Americans cut back on saturated fats, they tend to increase their intake of carbohydrates. As it happens, these carbohydrates are usually simple as opposed to complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates can be found in any sugary foods or drinks, white bread, and pasta. Complex carbohydrates are those found in foods high in fiber like whole wheat and whole grain products. Since the early 1970’s, it’s estimated that Americans eat 25% more carbohydrates.

The problem is that there is no one food that causes heart disease. Heart disease is caused by a totality of the circumstance approach. This means that people who don’t exercise typically eat more saturated fat, and they are more likely to engage in activities like smoking and drinking. It really isn’t fair to say that saturated fats cause heart disease, or that carbohydrates cause heart disease. The truth is that too much saturated fat contributes to heart disease.

Nutrition is a biochemical science that is not black and white. The easiest way to explain nutrition to consumers is this: there are certain foods, when eaten in excess, that can tip the scale toward good health – and some that tip the scale toward risk of disease. No wonder consumers are so confused; studies are being published with conflicting results, while only factoring in a piece of the whole picture. Furthermore, results are being published without also making public the limiting aspects of the study. Nutritional studies are being placed next to each other, while consumers have no idea if lifestyle factors were accounted for, how many people were in each study, if the subjects were on any medications, and so on. Not to mention every individual’s study if the subjects were on any medications, and so on. Not to mention every individual’s genetic factors. There is a long list of factors that can skew study results, all for a good headline.

The recently published study that questions the role of fats in heart disease is not completely wrong. In fact, eating small amounts of saturated fat on a regular basis can be totally harmless. However, every person has their own, individual genome – which places them on the spectrum of heart disease risk. Lifestyle factors are just as important, as cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart and preserves the arterial walls, while regulating cholesterol metabolism. It’s important for consumers to realize that journalists who regurgitate news about biochemical science will often leave important details out, and no matter what, living a balanced lifestyle and eating a balanced diet is always the best route.

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