Depending on your fitness level. Thirty - forty five minutes per day of any activity is the
standard recommendation. You should know your body fitness level and strength, then start developing on that. When you start push ups for the first time, you dont need to push up 100 times because the next man near you just did so. The key is that do as much as your strength and fitness and carry, but do it often. If you are weight lifting, the amount of time you do so is not directly proportional to the level at which your muscle will expand. Working out overtime is counter productive. When you are doing intense workouts with heavy
weights, you deplete your mental and physical reserves of energy.
But, depending on your aim for working out. Maybe you are doing these for weight loss, weight lifting or just for a clear, pure and healthy heart. If you are working out for weight loss, you must workout extensively more than the recommended time so as to deplete the glucose energy in your body and force the body to proceed into burning the available fats that has hidden under your skin, organs and even on the walls of the heart. When you work out extensively, the body will burn those fats and convert it to energy, this is why you cannot find an athlete that is fat.
For every other purpose, like training your muscles or working out for a healthy heart. You have to take the lead from the level of your strenght and fitness. The more you exercise, the more strength and fitness you gather. Start slow with some walking, if need be. Strength training thrown in a few days per week will intensify your calorie burn. You'll consider changing things up at least every other day, so that you can rest the muscles you've worked out and let them grow, and give opportunity to other groups in the meantime.
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Lastly, don't let post workout pains kill your morale for exercising, see how you can overcome your post workout pains faster, click here