Friday, 16 May 2014

9 inexpensive ways to reduce your cancer risk

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Incredibly, the best things you can do to prevent – even reverse cancer – are not only inexpensive,

but many times absolutely free. So, instead of reaching for
ineffective, toxic medications –
you may want to try some of these safe, highly- effective strategies listed below.

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” – Hippocrates

Exercise helps to prevent cancer
More than two dozen studies have shown that women who exercise have a 30% to 40%t lower
risk of breast cancer than their sedentary peers.
According to the National Cancer Institute, people who exercise regularly have a 40% to 50%
lower risk of colon cancer , compared with those who don’t exercise regularly.
The reason exercise works so well in preventing cancer is it switches on an enzyme called AMPk –
which is considered a metabolic master switch.
By activating this enzyme you increase mitochondria activity and glucose uptake making you insulin sensitive, so you don’t need as much insulin.
You may be wondering – why should you care about insulin production and blood sugar levels?
Excess insulin stimulates the growth of tumors and increases systemic inflammation – which is
a leading factor in the development of any cancer. Regular physical activity lowers estrogen levels and this also reduces a women’s risk of
developing breast cancer.

Minimize your exposure to EMF pollution
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) – especially from wireless technology – is a growing health
concern – according to the BioInitiative Report, produced by 29 independent scientists from
around the world. Studies suggest that EMFs may be linked to a variety of health problems
including leukemia, lymphoma, brain and nervous system cancers, melanoma, breast
cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, depression and
In addition, EMFs have been associated with symptoms such as nausea, headache, fatigue,
anxiety, dizziness, mental confusion, memory loss, sleep disturbance, itchy or burning skin
sensations, and skin rashes.
The research suggests that certain EMFs affect the pineal gland’s secretion of melatonin at
night. Melatonin is one of our bodies’ most potent natural cancer fighters, as well as the
vital hormone that regulates our wake/sleep cycle.
Keep in mind, especially for those concerned about cancer, our ability to heal is best at night
and if our sleep cycle is disturbed – this will inhibit our ability to avoid cancer.
So, do everything you can to reduce your exposure to EMFs . For example, limit your cell phone usage and never hold a cell phone near your head. If you own a cordless phone – throw
it away and use a corded phone instead. And, of course, those wireless devices are not such a
great idea.

Don’t overeat for better digestion
We all know that the body gains energy from the food we eat. However, if our digestive system has to exert lots of energy to digest food – we will tend to feel tired – on a regular basis.
A healthy diet and digestive system allows our body to focus on maintaining healthy immune
function and cellular repair. So, instead of wasting so much energy on digestion – our body will focus on disease prevention activities.
Remember, overeating – in general – accelerates cellular division, increasing the chances of DNA damage and the creation of cancerous cells.

Avoid processed sugar and white flour
This is a big one. White food generally refers to foods that are white in color and that have
been processed and refined, like flour, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cereal, and simple
sugars like table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
Extra sugar molecules tend to damage blood vessel walls. The repeated injury to blood vessels
will cause inflammation. Besides having no nutritional value and supplying empty calories,processed foods increase your risk for tooth and gum problems, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s,
and cancer.
The solution is simple – eat an organic, plant- based diet loaded with lots of vegetables and fruit. If you eat animal products – eat only grass fed, pasture raised meats and dairy products – as much as possible.

Chewing will improve immune function
This is one of the best ways to improve your digestion and immunity – at the same time.
Chewing helps to produce saliva and is essential for the proper absorption of nutrients.
After you swallow, hydrochloric acid is produced by the stomach for protein digestion and digestive enzymes are excreted by the intestines and pancreas to enhance digestion.
If the enzymes can’t get the job done, then bacteria in the intestines will take over and
finish the task. This production of bacteria will produce gas, bloating and other digestive

Want to avoid cancer? (read this carefully)
Since these food particles aren’t small enough to be recognized and used by the body, they provoke immune system reactions – meaning that the immune system thinks these undigested food
particles are foreign enemies and being their attack to eliminate the threat.
Over time this can produce inflammation and pain in various parts of the body. It will also
weaken the immune system, so that it cannot effectively do its job of destroying foreign
invaders, such as bacteria, parasites, yeasts; as well as cancerous cells.
So, it’s essential to relax at mealtimes and thoroughly chew each mouthful of food at least
20 times or more for better health.

Four essential nutrients to prevent cancer

Vitamin C- is one of the most well researched nutrients on the planet. Scientific studies have
shown that diets high in fruits and vegetables – containing vitamin C – reduce the risk of
developing cancers of the pancreas, esophagus, larynx, mouth, stomach, colon and rectum, breast, cervix and lungs.
These studies show people who eat foods to get a high level of vitamin C have about half as much
cancer as those who have a low intake of these foods. Likewise, people with higher blood levels
of vitamin C tend to have a lesser risk of developing cancer than do people with lower

Vitamin D - is known as the sunshine vitamin. Many studies have shown that vitamin D doubles
a breast cancer patient’s survival rate.
Researchers at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine have found that a
vitamin D deficiency can lead to aggressive prostate cancer. Additional research involved
taking human breast cancer cells and treating them with a potent form of vitamin D. Within a
few days, half the cancer cells shriveled up and disappeared.
Vitamin D, a steroid hormone, influences virtually every cell in your body and is easily one
of nature’s most potent nutrients to prevent cancer. Receptors that respond to vitamin D have been found in nearly every type of human cell.

Beta-carotene- is the precursor of vitamin A and has been known to inhibit cancers since the 1940s. In fact, there are over 200 studies showing positive benefit for beta-carotene in the prevention of cancer.
Studies suggest that those who eat 4 or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables – rich in beta-carotene – can reduce their risk of developing cancer. A study which started in the 1970s in Switzerland and lasted 12 years
concluded that men with a lower blood level of carotenoids had a higher cancer mortality rate.
In 1989, the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre linked high beta-carotene intake with lowered cervical
cancer rates. After clinical trials on prostate, cervical, colon, melanoma and breast cancers,
the United States Prostate Cancer Research Institute concluded there was “sufficient reason
to supplement with beta-carotene.”
So, we now have a greater reason to eat 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day – including carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and lots of dark, leafy greens like, kale and collard

Curcumin- is the most active component in the curry spice turmeric. Researchers have found that curcumin changes the regulation of DNA to help kill cancer cells. It modulates genetic activity and expression so that both the initiation and proliferations of tumor cells are
Curcumin also helps the body destroys cancer cells by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors, thus decreasing metastasis.
Research has also shown that there are low rates of certain types of cancer in countries where
people eat curcumin at levels of about 100 to 200mg a day over long periods of time.
Obviously, there are many other ways to prevent cancer. Join the discussion – post your comments
(below) and share this information with your family and friends. Thank you.

This article was originally posted on naturalhealth365
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