Thursday, 12 September 2013

What You Need to Know About Human Memory

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In psychological terms, memory is defined as the process by which external information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding translates the information from the outside world into a chemical or physical form so that it can be stored in the brain. Storage allows information to be retained over a longer period of time, and retrieval involves accessing stored information and bringing it to consciousness so that we can make decisions.
Unfortunately, we all have the experience of not being able to remember something. Why did I come into this room? Where did I put my keys? I've met him so many times, but what is his name? Indeed, we can all point to a time, probably very recently, where our memory has failed us. You might think that it is a straightforward process, but it is actually very complicated. First of all, there are actually two types of memory that are important for day-to-day decision making. Over time, both forms of memory, short and long term, begin to deteriorate; and to maintain a powerful memory, we must be skilled at optimizing the left and right side of our brains. Types of Memory
 -Short term memory is the type of memory we use when we need to recall information of a short period (several seconds to a minute) without the need for extensive rehearsal. The capacity of short term memory is generally quite limited, and in many cases it is limited to the recall of 7 plus/ minus two pieces of information. While there are techniques, such as chunking bits of information that can improve the capacity of our short term memory, the key fact to understand is that this type of memory involves recalling smaller pieces of information over a short period of time
-Long term memory on the other hand involves storing larger quantities of information for long periods of time, sometimes up to a lifetime. Can you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? This would be an example of long term memory. The capacity of this memory is virtually immeasurable. Moreover, long term memory can be defined as episodic or semantic. Semantic memory contains facts, skills, and concepts that we have learned through personal experiences. Alternatively, episodic memory allows us to remember past experiences in sequences allowing us to piece together a series of events or experiences. Unfortunately, memory can fail. With respect to short term memory, competing facts or other types of interference can disrupt your ability to recall even the smallest pieces of information over the shortest periods of time. When it comes to long term memory, your brain must encode information for long term storage and this may lead to certain facts being omitted. Plus, as we age, our memory deteriorates so it is important to practice mental techniques to ensure improved focus, concentration, and memory. let me refer you to the link below incase if you need more onsite on this:
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