Friday 4 October 2013

How To Prevent Or Cure Kidney Stones

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Tackling any major health issue or preventing it from happening in the first place is often easier than curing it. The million dollar question here is: How do we know what's coming?

What is often overlooked or not recognised by many in this case are the little warning signs coming from our body. Our bodies defence system knows well ahead of time of any illness penetrating the immune system. This of course is the other issue: If the immune system is strong enough illness and disease is unlikely to penetrate its defence. With the exception: Kidney stones may not cause many recognisable symptoms until they move around within the kidney. Although, there are symptoms and signs that may occur, it depends on what type of kidney stones come rolling along.
Symptom and the culprits arrive almost at the same time!
Indication of pain in the side and back as well as below the ribcage is often a sign that the culprit is on its way or has arrived. Some fluctuating of pain spreading to the lower abdomen and groin and also when urinating. Different colours in the urine such as red, brown, or pink can often be noticed; urine could be cloudy and foul-smelling. The urge to urinate and urinating more often than usual can also be a symptom. Pain caused by kidney stones can move around and can change to different locations.
For prevention add these beverages!
The most important step for preventing kidney stones is to drink plenty of fluids every day. Water is the most effective fluid for this; if you do no more than increase fluid intake by a considered amount the kidney stone recurrence be reduced as much as half. Other beverages such as apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice can help to neutralize acids in your body which will also help dissolving existing stones in your kidney as well as blocking new ones from forming.
Avoiding these drinks is most crucial: Any soft drinks, all colas, soda pops etc. There has been this misinformation circling around that cola can help to prevent kidney stones and pain, there is nothing further from the truth.
What can help symptoms of stone pain is to mix equal parts of organic olive oil to equal parts of pure lemon juice followed with a glass of filtered water. Another drink could help by squeezing the juice of a lemon into a glass of filtered water, adding a small amount, say one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar; repeat every hour until pain improves.
Low oxalate diet but high in calcium!
What is oxalate? Some foods contain a higher percentage of oxalates than others. The leaves of a plant are denser with oxalate more so than the stalks, stems or roots. Most fruits and berries such as raspberries, currants, black berries, blueberries, kiwi fruits and purple grapes are also the higher rating ones. Some vegetables are moderately dense in oxalates like squash, celery, green beans. Some of the most oxalate-dense are spinach, leaks, collard greens and parsley.
However, there is still this area of controversy in respect to nutritional dietary restrictions of oxalates. Some researchers believe that dietary restriction of oxalates can minimise the risk of stone formation. Others claim because of their oxalate content some diets have found to have a preventive effect. In reading between the lines it seems that anyone who has the tendency to form kidney stones easily would be suggested to limit or lower oxalate intake.
Most people who didn't experience any specific stone problems would not be effected by having oxalate-containing food which is not a health concern. Oxalate has many other health benefits. Many experts recommend eating foods that are high in calcium as well as eating plenty of magnesium-rich foods every day. A rich calcium and magnesium diet will help the body to make a natural mineral substance which counteracts the oxalates in many foods.
Tests revealed that exclusively vegetarian diets can cause a higher rate of kidney stones. To overcome this is including foods that have natural fats such as omega 3, 6 and 9 or taken in a form of supplement. The body needs a certain amount of fat in the diet. For a person that eats no meat the fat has to come from another source of food.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello.
    It’s really great post ,,,for the natural ways to cure for kidney stone you can visit here Kidney Stones Treatment
