==>> Also airtel went head to introduce another astonishing data plan of 2gb for N200 and 6GB for just N500, but the downside if this plan is that it only works on 2G networks, which means you can't use it with 3G on your android smartphone, it fair because of the price and those java and symbian users will benefit more from this plan. see subscription codes here
==>> one of the cheap data plan airtel introduced was the data plan of 750MB for just N500, and it have really saved a lot of peoples internet life out there see more details here
==>> also it just happened that we can access some big websites like facebook for free with our airtel sim, and it very wonderful for those that want to just browse but got no data, it called AIRTEL BASIC INTERNET see more details here.
==>> airtel also reduced there subscription of 4.5GB to N2000 only. see more details here
==>> we also noticed that airtel BB10 subscription of 3GB for just N1000 works flawlessly on android MTK devices with the help of tweaking your device IMEI(Make sure you don't have any airtime or any other data on your sim after subscribing for this plan, else it wont work on your sim because many people have been complaining about this airtel bis not working for them(Make sure you did not Activate Airtel 2G Data Plan on that Sim else the BIS won't worm See more details here
==>> i don't know if you guys are also using the airtel trybe night plan? i don't want to discuss about this, but the night is just something we should consider because airtel have totally change it to 500MB for N25 and 1.5GB for N500 and the time is from 12AM-5AM, one good thing about this is that you can renew the Data same night. to activate you dial** *312# and choose type Night Plan to activate anyone of your choice.
Also, see How to Enjoy Unlimited browsing on Airtel WTF Plan JUNE 2016 See more details Here
==>> Lastly i was able to make some sense out of the airtel weekly data plan, how i got up to 5GB data plan on airtel with just N500 see more details here.
so any other affordable AIRTEL free browsing and cheap data plans will be posted HERE.MTN.
==>> with mtn startpack you can get upto 11GB and although i have enjoyed this offer onces and it only meant for newly registered sim on the mtn network.see more details about this offer here
==>> How to Get upto 5GB with just N1000 on mtn Quick winD see more details here
==>> Also in may, mtn lunched an unbeatable plan which is called MTN NIGHT DATA PLAN, this particular plan works only in the night from 12am-4am, and the amount is very cheap to the extent we can call it a free browsing tweak instead. the price if just N25 and the data is capped @ 500MB or even more.See how to subscribe for mtn night plan here, and it did'nt just end here mtn also introduced another type of night plan which is from 9PM-6AM and it very cheap see more details here
== MTN did'nt just stop at the midnight plan oh, they went ahead and slashed their DATA PLAN to even more cheaper prices and went to the extent of introducing data plan as high as 22GB, 50GB and 80GB, and the price is not that much see more details about this here
have I talked about the MTN SURPRISE PLANS? these are very affordable data plans from mtn and they called it MTN SURPRISE, so let me highlight you on it.
==>> Mtn Now offers a Data Plan of 1.3GB for N1000 and 3.75GB for N2000 see more info here
==>> MTN Surprise Plan: How To Subscribe To MTN 5GB N2560 Airtime For Just N2000 see more details here
==>> Another Mtn Data Plan of 1.5GB for N1000, How to Subscribe and get yours see more details here.
although mtn did not do much this month past month but you can check all post about mtn tweak and affordable cheap browsing HERE
==> How to tweak your IMEI and Double your Data On MTN read more here
==>> Also MTN did not only slash thier data plans to cheaper price, Etisalat also did same thing and it also similar to the one of MTN see more details here.
less I forget, i did not include the Normal Etisalat social me and chat pack tweak as i always do on this post, the reason is because Etisalat social me and chat pack is now data capped, and the information reaching us states that the monthly sub is capped at 700MB while the weekly sub is capped at just 300MB, this came as a shock to everyone and really made us to stop using the social me tweak. so this is all i could map out from etisalat this JUNE, see more post about Etisalat data plans and free browsing tweak HERE
==> New ETISALAT 0.0K free browsing Cheat on Psiphon with new proxy server see more details here
==> Etisalat lunches Night Plan, How to Get 2GB with N200 see more info here
And here comes BABA GO SLOW, glo has been named one of the most annoying network in nigeria with the poorest network coverage here is nigeria and i think they really need to do something about it because that is the only reason stopping me from using glo to browse on my pc. nothing new about glo, but the data plans they unleashed seems to be new to me everyday lol.==>> Glo was able to join other networks in releasing new data plans too, and i think the glo users out there should know about it. see more details here
==>> Glo BIS plan have not changed yet and it still rocks on both android devices see more details here
==>> lastly, Glo also introduced their own weekend plan in another style..see more details here
==>>How to use GLO Android data plans on your Blackberry BB10 Devices see how to do it here
==> Glo Unlimited 0.0K browsing is Still Working Both Via Tweakware and Psiphon. See how to Activate HERE
==>> Lasttly Glo Surprised Everybody with their New Awoof Data plans. Glo Cheapest Data Plan JUNE 2016: Get 2GB, 6GB, 10GB, 12GB, 18GB, 24GB at very low price See more details Here .
so this is for baba glo slow any other topic about glo free browsing tweaks and data plans will further be posted HERE
So this is all we Have for Now, so choose wisely and also Share my Post to your facebook, twitter and Everywhere and also comment to Appreciate Me.