Thursday, 28 April 2016

List of free Browsing Browsing Cheat On Mtn, Airtel, Etisalat, and Glo that Rocked April 2016

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Incoming searches : Incoming Searches: free browsing 2016, free
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Hello Folks, This April 2016 was a Wonderful month to many of us out There because i know that about 98% of us really enjoyed free browsing in April if not All of us..

so i just want to remind you guys of all the Goodies and Free browsing We Rocked During April 2016 tenor..#lol.


Even As Much i would Like to Believe it that After mtn Finally Blocked the following cheats.


Mtn MusicPlus

Mtn Magic Sim

Then we taught that was the End of Free browsing And everybody Had to Run back to Famous Etisalat Social Me and Chat Pack Including me oo.

so i had to compile Some list of Free working Proxy server on psiphon via Mtn Here

not after a while The 7.5GB Landed Like a King About to be Enthroned and everybody were very happy and As if that was not Enough, Then the Mtn Unlimted Airtime of about 100K Airtime also Landed and it seems Mtn had finally Fallen.

although Many of you Rocked this tweak and the sharp guys were able to finish The 7GB before Mtn could take it the Next day while some of us could not even Do the cheat at all because the process was blocked after 2 hours the cheat aired on the

Not only that o. As we are all mourning because of Scarcity of Cheat and Data. Another one Came o Save our
The Mtn Free Unlimited and Free browsing via Life plus migration

mehn, This tweak was one of the Best because you can always renew the MB after your finish it.. even one of my friend used about 30GB within 4 days that it lasted.. and i know it same with some of you.. #We really Enjoyed Mtn oo, and before we knew it, April came to and End..


Although For A very long time now Nothing Good Have come out from Etisalat So far After the era of IMEI tweaking since that time nothing good, except for the Famous Etisalat ChatPack, but We were All Surprised when Etisalat Surprised us all with the Free Etisalat 4GB and Every one were very Happy because The Process Lasted for about 2-3 Days before it Finally blocked, and i believed that the sharp one Enjoyed this on almost 10Sims.(Na wa oo)


Blood of Zachariah.

So Airtel Did not offer Anything this month? infact since this Year, I Have not Recorded Any Free browsing cheat on Airtel After The Era of Imei Tweaking, and since then We have not Enjoyed anything from Airtel, Chai!! Airtel There is God oo.
we pray that something good will come out of Airtel This New month of May oo.


Blood of Satan..#lol.

Guys, is it that Glo is more secured than Mtn? or is it that it being owned by a Nigerian? i cant even tell! Apart from the Days that we last enjoyed Free browsing via our Nokia phone with Opera Handler, i don't think there was/is anything like Free browsing on Glo Network.(Them dey use JuJu?). God help us oo..

So I don't know if you Guys really Enjoyed this April because i really Enjoyed it oo, Where i browse and Download without thinking About Data or anything.. so let me also hear from you via the comment Box, How was this month of April??
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1 comment:

  1. mhen.. love this april, i pray this may wont disappoint us
