Tuesday, 8 March 2016

How to Make your Etisalat Bis Power all your android Application using psipon

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It recently posted on how to use Etisalat
Blackberry Subscription on Android device and i just noticed recently that it doesn't power all applications, because i tried doing it for my friend yesterday, before publishing this post.

If you are still new to Etisalat Bis #Click_Here

I Noticed that many users have complained to me recently that their Etisalat Bis is not powering operamini, YouTube, WhatsApp and some other
applications and today I will post a way to power all apps.

The way forward is by simply configuring your Psiphon Handler or Syphon Shieild or Netify VPN with the configuration below and it will power all apps perfectly.

Now open your Psiphon Handler (Same goes for Netify, syphon Shield)

=> Tick Remove Port.
=> Proxy Type: Select Real Host or Dual Real Host

=> Proxy Server: m.youtube.com
=> Real Proxy Type: Select Default or HTTP
=> Real Proxy Server: m.youtube.com
=> Real Proxy Port: 80 or 8080
Click Save and continue.

Select Region As USA or Best Performance.

> More option Handler Settings

=> Tick Connect Through HTTP Proxy

=>Tick Use The Following Settings

=> Host Address:
=> Port: 8080

Click Save and On your data.

You will notice it will connect, so enjoy and start flexing Etisalat Blackberry Plan on Your Android Phone.

If you experience any problem, ask using the comment box.
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