Tuesday, 8 March 2016

How to Make the Latest Mtn Magic sim 2016 to browse and Download with faster speed

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For a while now, i know multitude of you guys are Rocking this New Latest Mtn Magic Sim 2016„ but while some are enjoying it with full speed, some are not enjoying it with speed, although your location matters a lot, because i download with 2mb/s here in my area.

Some guys are complaining bitterly that they there speed is very slow, but there is always a solution to every problem..

If you are new in Setting Up Latest Mtn Magic Sim 2016 Click Here

This method involves you creating a new APN.
Since Magic Sim.works on all device and can be tethered without root, the APN can be modified for better browsing and downloading speed.

If you experience problems with your Magic sim.

Create new access point:
Name: MTN Magic Sim
Apn: blackberry.net or web.blackberry.net
Apn type: Default, Supl
Username: web
Password: web
Apn authentication: Chap

Save, Activate as your default APN
On your mobile data and experience the changes made.

Tested and Working

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