Saturday, 26 December 2015

Surf Unlimitedly with his Magic IP Update For Etisalat Unlimited Free Surfing On Android Device With N0.0

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since MTN has blocked our mean of surfing the Net for free, Etisalat on the other hand is surifng the Net for free with the aid of psiphon,  so n this article am going to guide you guys on how to surf the NET with this old tweak.. it very simple, just make sure that you have the latest PSIPHON. click here to download 
to use this tweak, make sure you dont have any data or airtime on your sim card.

open your psiphon and configure as below,

In your Psiphon under Proxy type choose reverse proxy….

Then in your proxy Server, input;

then in real proxy server , imput any of this IPs and Ports 3128…. 8888….. 3128….. 3128….

save it and click on the More options , set it as below with the Ip and port you want.

thats all. then go back and it the start button.

Note: This tweak usually takes time to connect, like 5 to 10mins.

… So, you need to exercise patient before it shows connected. Once the Psiphon connected, you will feel the speed, especially when streaming and downloading.

ENJOY............................. AND DONT FORGET TO SHARE THIS POST...
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