Friday 5 December 2014

Computer Vision Syndrome: How Your Computer Is Destroying Your Sense Of Sight

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computer vision syndrome

Computer vision syndrome a group of eye and vision related problems, engineered by the prolonged engagement of our eyes on a computer's screen.
With the advent of modern technology, the world is now crawling out from previous centuries of darkness and individuals are dancing towards the light to embrace the illumination brought about by the modern piece of gadgets that help make our world so easy to live in. Wondering what would have being my personal fate if not for the laptop i am typing with.

Unfortunately enough, the popular saying, "everything that has an advantage also comes with some disadvantages," also applies here. If you are the type that spend at least 3 hours everyday, staring into the Computer screen; i am talking about people like me, my fellow bloggers who spend almost the whole day online, starring at the screen of our computer, if not trying to design  our blog to look good and acceptable, we are typing our next blog post or researching on the next idea for our next article.

On the other hand, another set of individuals that rely daily on computers to get their jobs done easily and accurately, talking about  the bankers, the secretaries in various big offices  and other individuals working in an office that require their eyes to be fixed to the computer's  screen for long.

If you find yourself among  this category of people  i mentioned above, or your lifestyle have being configured in such a way that you  just have to spend so much time on the computer. Just keep on reading because this post is basically for you. If basic care is not taken to checkmate this our present lifestyle, am sorry to say  we  are all strolling down the path to the eye condition called computer vision syndrome.  Stick with me let me tell you how:

Reading from a printed page and reading from a computer screen isn't the same, the eyes will always go for the option to read from a printed page if given the power to do so. This is because viewing from a computer screen makes the eyes to work harder more than the norm. The computer screen was designed in such a way that it will always laden the eye with a high visual demand. Which makes the eye stress out and at the long run develop certain visual related problems called computer vision syndrome.

The symptoms of computer visual syndrome includes:

  • Eyestrain

  • Headache

  • Blurred Vision

  • Dry Eyes

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Fatigue

  • Vertigo

  • Redness in the eye

This symptoms may be caused or aggravated by improper sitting position while working on the computer,  improper lighting conditions, a  bright overhead lighting or the direction of the air moving past the eyes.

What Can I Do About This?

Implementing the various techniques stated below when next you are to work for hours on your computer will make the situation  easier and bearable for your eye. And sticking to it means no computer visual syndrome for!

Poor Lighting Conditions:
The room shouldn't be filled with bright lights, if you are to use a computer at all, try and reduce the rooms illumination to an extent that it wouldn't cause you difficulties when trying to focus on the texts on your computer screen.

Glares on the computer screen:
Position your computer screens to avoid glares coming from either the window or wheresoever. If the glares cannot the avoided try and get an anti glare screen which will filter away glares from light sources.

Poor seating posture:
The height of your chair should be designed in such a way that allows your feet to lie flat on the ground, the chair's arm should be adjusted in such a way where you can rest your arm on it, and your wrist shouldn't rest on the keyboard.

Location Of Computer Screen:
The computer screen should be located 15 to 20 degrees below eye level  when measured from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches away from the eyes. Anything less than this will surely create a condition where your eyes will have to work more harder to

Resting Your Eye.
Always use the 20,20,20 method to rest your eyes, let me explain the 20,20,20 method, for every 20 mins , focus the eyes on an object 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds. This basically gives a convenient distance and timeframe for a person to rest his cilliary muscles. Or, you can just close  your eyes for 20 seconds, at least every half hour you focus uninterrupted on your computer screen.

Blinking Frequently:
To minimize your chances of developing dry eye when using a computer, try to blink  frequently. Because this  keeps the front surface of your eye moist by replacing the liquid on the eyes from time to time.

With regular eye rests during work and proper viewing habits, garnished with regular eye examinations, the chances of suffering from computer visual syndrome is highly reduced.

As usual, your ideas, thoughts and questions are highly encouraged on this post. Feel free to put them down on the comment box below.

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