Monday 1 September 2014

The Relationship Between Stress And Your Heart's Health

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[caption id="attachment_710" align="aligncenter" width="211"]stress stress[/caption]

What is stress?

Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. When you sense danger —whether it’s an illusion or reality or when your work becomes so demanding, your body's kick into high gear, trying to make you adjust yourself and respond to the change properly to produce the very best result.

Everyday we go about our daily activities , every morning will always have some of us running to work. as students we run to school, and even the individuals that are to remain at home are not even free from stress. At some point we will be faced with certain tasks so different and demanding from the ones we see in the previous days, in some cases you will be forced to think and make a very important decision, sometimes it comes as increased loads of work. It comes in so many forms. It follows us about, it is part of us; part of our daily life, the only thing that matters at the end is if you where able to solve problem that aggravated the stress.

Inasmuch as stress helps you surmount your daily problems, it is never a good friend to any part of the body. Stress affects so many things in our body. In adults, studies has it that it causes hair lost and possibly baldness in men (telogen effluvium). chronic stress can also aggravate existing skin problems including psoriasis, rosacea, acne and eczema.   Chronic stress can trigger a variety of mental and emotional problems including insomnia, headaches, irritability, depression, anxiety and personality changes.  Stress also causes excessive weight gain. Finally, Stress can also have an impact on reproductive health, ranging from sexual dysfunction,  infertility. It can also cause changes in sex drive, vaginal infections and impotence.

In all the effects of stress thus stated above, i want to focus the purpose and usefulness of this article to the relationship between stress and cardiovascular health (referring to the heart and blood vessels). As stated above, stress is not a good friend to the body and the heart is not an exception. According to anatomy that defined the heart as a modified blood vessel, being a hollow organ that pumps blood to the other parts of the body. Unarguably, the heart is one of the so many important organs that man cannot do without. Prolonged stress increases the secretion of the fright and flight hormone (adrenaline) which affects the  blood pressure, blood sugar and other things in ways that gives the heart concern. adrenaline increases your blood pressure as well as your heart rate, and which may further lead to narrowing of the coronary arteries (arteries that supply blood to your heart), or even bind directly to heart cells allowing large amounts of calcium to enter and render the cells temporarily unable to function properly.

When their is an increased blood sugar, insulin resistance (Insulin resistance (IR) is a physiological condition in which cells fail to respond to the normal actions of the hormone insulin. The body produces insulin, but the cells in the body become resistant to insulin and are unable to use it as effectively, leading to hyperglycemia). When insulin resistance sets, it can lead to type 2 diabetes and hardening of the arteries.]







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