Saturday, 12 July 2014

New Research Says, Smell Of fart Can Reduce Cancer Risk

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Cancer research scientists at the University of Exeter claims that the smell of fart might actually be
beneficial in terms of reducing a person’s risk of cancer and other chronic illnesses.

They stated that this is because the eggy- smell of a fart which is due to a substance called hydrogen sulfide, which when delivered in small doses, has potentially large health benefits. They continued by saying, that this benefits may include a lower risk of cancer, dementia and
heart attack.

Hydrogen sulfide is basically produced by the bacterias in the stomach, mainly E.coli, and released when food is being digested. According to Professor Matt
Whiteman, from the University of Exeter Medical School, who continued by saying that cells that are affected and have their resources depleted by disease have the tendency to continue living if it
Happens to come in contact with this hydrogen sulfide. The cells will pull in very small amounts of this hydrogen sulfide in times of stress, which gives them the ability to
control levels of inflammation and for this reason, they remain healthier and good to go.

Instead of the hydrogen sulfide produced by the bacteria in the body. The cancer team at Exeter University have developed a compound which is designed to deliver very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide to the cells
that needs it. The compound that they have created is called AP39, and is smells just like a
fart would. Despite smelling so rotten, the scientists that are studying this compound say
that it helps to protect the mitochondria of cells. This area of the cell promotes the production of energy, so preventing damage
to the mitochondria is what lowers the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Dr. Mark Wood, from the biosciences department at the University of Exeter, explains that regardless of the pungent and foul fart-smell that accompanies hydrogen sulfide, it has the potential to be used in a treatment setting for a wide variety of chronic diseases. It is naturally produced within the body, and could turn into something of a healthcare hero.

The study was published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications. The AP39 compound has been used in a follow-up study, this time in collaboration with other researchers at the University of Texas, Medical
Branch. This later study, was published in the The Nitric Oxide Journal. Hydrogen sulfide
was previously considered to be a toxic molecule until more recent research has proved that in small doses it has its merits.

Pre-clinical trials are looking into where this knowledge can be applied outside of the realm of cancer. Preliminary trials in the area
of cardiovascular health are showing that even in highly destructive conditions, cells
which are provided with the AP39
compound are surviving where they might otherwise have died. AP39 has also been shown to have beneficial heart-rate lowering abilities, which is important in the survival of
people who have suffered from a heart attack.

According to Whiteman, in studies using the AP39 compound that they have concocted, results suggest that stressed cells are protected. The compound keeps the mitochondria within the cell safe. This is why cells draw hydrogen sulfide in when they are in trouble, and this is why the smell of a fart might actually be very beneficial, protecting the body against cancer and other forms of disease.

What do you think about or have to say about this?

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