Tuesday 5 November 2013

Every Child Needs a Father

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A child who grows up in a restless environment is unconfident, sorrowful, disobedient, rebellious, stubborn, jealous and aggressive. In later years, these children suffer from developmental disorders in education and are frequently punished for offenses resulting from an environment lacking the cooperation between the father and the mother and their joint care. A child needs the father - and if it does not have him, it wants to know the reason why. Fathers involvement in the upbringing of children represents the masculine element that is so important for the child as a maturing young boy/girl. Fatherly leadership gives a child's character a direction and the father's action and behaviour represents protection, safety and support for the child.

  For a child of preschool age, the father is a representative of the world of men, his presence and the upbringing the child receives from him enrich the child with further knowledge, he makes the child familiar with many other activities that mothers usually do not pursue, the father is usually the child's first sports teacher, teacher of professional subjects, he teaches and familiarizes the child with things associated with the maintenance of the household. The father usually plays a crucial role model for a boy; for a girl, he is the first perfect man. Most children are proud of their fathers and of the things he has done in his life. Nevertheless, there are also children who cannot speak highly about their fathers; there are children who disguise their fathers' offenses, misdemeanours and weaknesses; children who feel ashamed of their fathers; and there are children who prefer not to hear of their fathers. These are the children whose fathers have disappointed them, who did not experience fatherly love, but knew his weaknesses.
  Even nowadays children are physically punished for misdemeanours that they have committed. Corporal punishments may silence a child and force it to obey the stronger adult. If a child is forced by parents to confess to something that it did not do, it is a wrong that the child will remember for many years; a grievance that the boy or girl will never forget and for which he or she will never forgive the parents. A modern child looks for authority in its father, but it also wants him to be its lifelong friend.
One of the greatest educational values is a child's feeling that the parents support it in failure and in moments of crisis. Such support is provided by both parents, but not to the same extent. Mothers have an instinctive understanding of what is going on with their children, they are able to sense their children's problems and the feeling of uncertainty even when the child says nothing. The father shows a child the way and direction.
  A child is impressed by a father who can bear the brunt of challenging life situations; a father who plays with the child while it is small, helps the child build its dreams while maturing and helps it plan its career when choosing a profession. A child is impressed by a father who is clever with his hands, who helps the mother maintain the household, who does not cry when sick, but teaches the child courage and self-reliance as he serves as an example. In broken families without a father the upbringing of a child is more difficult, because the child is lacking a male role model.
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