Sunday 29 September 2013

Menstrual Blood Clots - Should You Worry About It?

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Menstrual blood clots are a part of menstruation that rarely gets talked about. When menstruation gets talked about at all, other menstrual and premenstrual symptoms, like menstrual cramps and mood swings, are much more likely to get a mention.
Maybe that's because menstrual blood clots don't cause as much disruption or discomfort as a backache or bloating can.

Still, menstrual blood clots can be alarming, especially for young women who have just started menstruating.
So let's take a look at this often ignored menstrual symptom.
Should You Worry About Menstrual Blood Clots?
No necessarily. Menstrual blood clots are usually nothing to worry about. In fact, in most cases, they are perfectly normal. A few quarter-sized, or smaller, blood clots in your menstrual flow just mean your body's natural coagulation system is doing its job.
But, while menstrual blood clots aren't usually cause for concern, there are certain times when you might want to talk to your doctor about them.
When Should You Be Concerned About Menstrual Blood Clots
These are some of the signs that you should talk with your doctor about menstrual blood clots.
* You have been passing blood clots for more than a day.
* The blood clots are large, bigger than a quarter.
* You've never passed menstrual blood clots before, so having blood clots in your menstrual flow is an unusual occurrence for you. Such changes in your menstrual cycle could be a sign of a more serious medical condition.
So, menstrual blood clots are usually a normal part of some women's menstrual cycle. But it's important to know when menstrual blood clots are a cause for concern, and to talk to your doctor if you believe menstrual blood clots are a sign that you have a more serious condition.
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