Saturday, 14 September 2013


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There are many ways to detoxify your body. If you want to obtain a healthy body, detoxification is the way to go. One of the best organs to detoxify is the liver. A successful detox method for the liver could leave your body feeling great after a night out drinking and eating fast foods. It will take a few days to a week to detox a liver. If your body is not healthy for one reason it could be a failing organ that could be responsible, one of these organs is the liver.

The liver produced a type of bile in order to clean the toxins and wastes going through your body that are absorbed by your blood stream. After the waste is cleaned there is a toxin buildup which the liver functions as a detoxification in general. There are 2 ways that the liver needs function correctly. Water and glucose help the liver work in the body giving the liver the power to get rid of the wastes.
Step 1: Drinking water is the first step to a liver detoxification. Water is needed for any detox throughout the body. The brain is mostly water, drinking water helps you think, focus and concentrate. As an added bonus your energy levels go up. Water also flushes out toxic waste through sweat and urination.
Step 2: The foods we eat are the most important part to detoxifying your body. High starchy foods and foods that are high in carbohydrates are examples of foods that should be eaten. Starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, cereals, rice and pasta should make up about a third of the food you eat. Where you can, choose wholegrain varieties, or eat potatoes with their skins on for more fiber
Step 3: Here are some effective herbs that can be beneficial for both the liver and gall bladder Ginger is a common food that contains chemicals that have been shown to increase bile structure and to reduce cholesterol levels. Also, Dandelion, Milk Thistle and Panax Ginseng are all effective herbs that help the production of bile and promote protein to replace damaged liver cells.
How long should you detoxify your body?
Once the liver has detoxified, they are delivered to the bile for elimination via feces. It should take at least 2-3 days of digesting and consuming the herbal teas, water and all those healthy foods that will help you detoxify your body.
A complete liver detoxification strategy will completely help the functionality to the liver as well as to the rest of the body. All of the body's organs are vitally important, but cleansing your liver will bring you the most satisfaction. Also take a look at

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