Saturday, 14 September 2013

Asthma and stress

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Asthma is a long-term disease of the airways which affects many people throughout the world. The airways are small tubes which carry air in and out of the lungs. When an asthma attack is triggered, the sensitive lining of the airways swell and the muscle in the airways contracts making it difficult for the patient to breathe out. Stress is thought to play a role in triggering asthma attacks.Emotions have a role to play in many allergic conditions, including asthma. Studies show that stress can cause the release of pro-inflammatory proteins from the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
Stress may also worsen Asthma triggered by other factors such as smoking or viral infections. Stress is a normal response to stimuli. Internal conditions such as illness, pain or emotional conflict and external conditions such as financial problems, work-related problems, death in the family or changes in circumstances can all cause stress. Stress can also be caused by positive life events like a marriage or promotion.


Stress management can be learnt, like any other skill. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for information or referrals to stress management courses, books etc. Exercise, relaxation exercises, deep breathing, meditation, yoga and stretching are all good ways to reduce stress levels and reduce the impact stress has on your body. Stress management may require new ways of approaching problems and new ways of dealing with emotions such as grief, anger and frustration.
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