Friday, 13 September 2013

Neuroscientists reveal sexiest parts of the body

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WHY is a nuzzled neck sexy when few would be turned on by a nuzzled nose? And why do men seem to have fewer erogenous zones than women? A new study has measured just how erotic the human body bits are – and there are a few surprises for neuroscientists.
In the research, billed as the first “systematic survey of the magnitude of erotic sensations from various body parts”, surprisingly found that feet were not considered sexually attractive by the 800 people, mostly from Britain and sub-Saharan Africa, who took part in the study.

Men and women listed the 41 body parts they were asked to rate in remarkably similar order. The obvious bits of genitalia were at the top of the rankings, as were lips, ears and inner thighs, followed closely by shoulder blades.
There were a few major differences between the sexes – the back of the leg was barely acknowledged by women, for instance, while men rated it as important as their ears. Hands were also more erotic for men than for women, researchers found.
It was discovered from this that we all share the same erogenous zones in at least two very different continents, whether we are a white, middle-aged, middle-class woman sitting in a London office or a gay man living in a village in Africa. It suggests it is hardwired, built in, not based on cultural or life experience.
The central issue is not so much where the erogenous zones are, but why non-genital ones are erogenous.
A lot of people think that science shouldn’t be looking at such things, but if it’s something that human beings are interested in – and we clearly are around sex and intimacy – then it’s something scientists should study.
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