Friday, 13 September 2013

How to Help Your Body Fight Fibroids Naturally!

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Being diagnosed with uterine fibroids raises many questions for the patient, especially if they already have anemia or chronic menstruation problems. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors occurring in and around the uterus. The most common recommendation for fibroid patients is to wait and observe the fibroids before any treatment options are suggested by the physician. This is especially true if the fibroids are relatively small and not causing any serious health problems. However, an ultrasound will probably be recommended to tell the doctor the placement, size and growth rate of the fibroids.

There are several natural life changes you can make to help your body fight off the fibroids on their own. The main one, that will probably not be a surprise, is your diet. The biggest recommendation is to eat lots and lots of vegetables of all colors and varieties. If monthly menstruation is heavy, iron-rich vegetables like spinach are necessary to avoid anemia. Avoid processed foods with a long shelf life because of the many chemicals that are used to preserve them. Soy based products are not good for fibroids because they tend to increase estrogen levels, which feed the tumors. Red meat and dairy products that come from animals that are fed hormones are also not good for the fibroid patient. Sugar weakens the immune system and should be avoided, as well as caffeine and alcohol.
The second lifestyle habit you can adopt to help stop your fibroid growth is regular exercise. Exercise detoxifies your body and improves circulation, strength, and overall health. Sixty minutes per week should be your minimum and sixty minutes per day is much better. Choose something that you like to do so you will enjoy the time and continue to make it a "regular" part of life.
There are several herbal supplements that can help with the causes and symptoms of fibroids and an alternative health provider can help you find the best daily regiment for your body. These can help with detoxifying your body and boosting your immune system so your body can fight off the growths on its own. There are herbs and over-the-counter medications that can help relieve excessive cramping during menstruation. Since there are a variety of kinds of fibroids, each person is unique and needs an individual regime.
The fourth lifestyle habit that will help manage fibroid growth is to manage your stress levels. Our western culture often encourages staying busy and doing many things at once. However, stress can disrupt many of the delicate balances in the body and affect your health in ways that you are probably not aware of until years down the road when the daily abuse overloads the body's structures. Taking time to relax and feed your soul and spirit as well as your body will pay huge dividends.
These four lifestyle habits can all contribute to helping your body stay healthy as well as help alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of fibroids. If they become larger and more numerous, your physician will probably recommend surgery.

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