Saturday, 21 September 2013

Graves Disease: Definition, Causes, Signs And Symptoms

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What is Graves' disease? Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) includes both Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease. Graves' disease is an inflammatory, autoimmune disease of the thyroid with an unknown cause.

 Autoimmune disease describes a large group of diseases characterised by alteration of immune system function in the body. The body's immune system loses the ability to distinguish normal body tissue from foreign or external tissues. This lack of recognition causes the immune system to attack the body's own cells, which results in localised and systemic reactions. The cause and development of this process is still unclear. About Graves' disease Graves' disease involves the presence of thyroid-stimulating antibodies and usually demonstrates one or more of the following situations: Overactive thyroid due to an enlarged thyroid (goitre).
Exophthalmos - causing the eyes to bulge. Pretibial myxoedema (swelling of the area in front of the tibia - shin bone). Graves' disease has been associated with other autoimmune diseases including myasthenia gravis, pernicious anaemia, thrombocytopaenia, vitiligo and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Features of Graves' Disease Graves' Disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis is 4-5 times more common in women than men. It's highest incidence is in the third and fourth decades and another peak near the time of menopause; Graves' does not increase in incidence with age, familial tendency. What causes Graves' disease? Both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in the development of Graves' disease. One theory is that the development of Graves' disease may be linked with infectious agents, such as Yersinia enterocolitica, congenital rubella, influenza B and retroviral infection. Yersinia enterocolitica has been associated with a number of autoimmune diseases. Studies indicate that the composition of the gut flora may also influence a person's susceptibility to develop Graves' disease. Signs and symptoms of Graves' disease Not all the signs and symptoms of Graves' disease are manifestations of an overactive thyroid. Some of the signs and symptoms can worsen after the patient's thyroid function comes within normal range. The symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) result from an increased metabolic rate, along with the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. The three most common manifestations of
Graves' disease are: Weight loss , associated with increased appetite. (In some cases the appetite can be so great that the patient maintains their weight or may become obese); Tremor of the hands, tongue and sometimes the whole body; and Tachycardia (a faster heart beat), often accompanied by a bounding pulse.
Other signs and symptoms of Graves' disease include: Heat intolerance, increased sweating, warm, moist, soft and smooth skin. Soft nails that may loosen or separate from the nail bed. Soft and fine hair, and maybe hair loss. Increased frequency of bowel movements, occasionally diarrhoea (rarely vomiting). Palpitations, shortness of breath on exertion, raised systolic blood pressure. Nervousness, irritability and anxiety. Muscular weakness and wasting, especially of the thigh muscles. Swelling of the eyelids, lid retraction, grittiness and soreness of the eyes, loss of visual acuity and/or visual field. Swelling of the area in front of the tibia (Pretibial myxoedema) occurs in some Graves' patients. Other parts of the body can also swell, e.g., the face. The skin may appear like an orange peel and the hairs in the area will be coarse. Autoantibodies - including TSH receptor antibodies - will also be present in the blood. Diet tips for Graves' disease Treatment of Graves' disease requires suppression of an overactive thyroid gland. Goitrogenic foods are foods that have such an action, and are therefore recommended in the management of Graves' disease. These foods include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Chinese greens. The effect seems to be greater with raw rather than cooked vegetables. - Unheated soybeans may have a goitrogenic action in animals. The substance in soybeans that causes this effect has not been identified, but seems to be concentrated in the curd (tofu). - Foods such as cassava, sorghum, pulses, millet and linseeds may also have a goitrogenic effect. - Stimulants, such as caffeine beverages, should be avoided. Vitamins/minerals/herbs for Graves' disease *Slippery elm and marshmallow are herbs that may help to soothe and heal the gut lining. As the condition of the gut flora is a possible component in this condition, these herbs may be beneficial. By providing a mucilagenous coating to the gut lining, these herbs may help to reduce any gut permeability that may be occurring. Golden seal may help to repair and restore any damaged mucous membranes, including those that line the gut. Echinacea may be a beneficial immune-regulating herb to use in Graves' disease. Notes on Graves' disease With any autoimmune condition, treatment must be aimed at the identification of the primary cause that triggered the pathogenesis of the disease, along with any other factors which may be contributing to the state of immune dysregulation.
 These factors may include:
A permeable gastrointestinal tract lining, from such causes as food allergies or sensitivities, excessive consumption of alcohol, the use of non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the use of steroidal anti-inflammatories. - Imbalance of gut flora (microorganism levels), inadequate digestion and/or elimination. Chemical overload from artificial food additives, residues of agricultural chemicals in food, environmental pollutants, chemical exposure in the workplace (e.g., hairdressers, painters, panel beaters, etc.,), exposure to household cleaners and sprays, herbicides and pesticides used in the home garden, and exposure to hair dyes. Stress, depression, inadequate rest.
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