Tuesday, 10 September 2013


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So many of us, the men wish to be seen inside a muscular, ripped body with no pound of fat. While the ladies on the other hand wish to be inside that lovely shaped figure bearing the curves like that of a French curve. It cannot be achieved with the pounds of fat hidding that wonderful body within. We have in so many occassions spent money in gyms, fat reduction programs, drugs and other things and futhermore, time! While some of us comes out lucky achieving this goal, majority will still remain as they were or even adding up to the previous fat we have before. That is when we know that our problem lies within us, it is natural. Their are some internal barriers barricading our success to shade off those pounds of fat and gain that desired abs we are looking for and also that nice figure 8 body the girls need. These internal barriers includes:

-Not enough Adiponectin:
 Adiponectin is the hormone that stimulates the body to burn fat which is used as fuel in the body. It is secreted by the adipose tissue and also from placenta's in pregnancy; into the blood stream. The amount of fat in our body is determined by the circulation of this hormone that flows in our bloodstream. Unfortunately for our body, the more fat we in our body the lesser the hormone is secreted. That is why burning this fats will be so difficult but easy to accumulate. We can employ various methods to boost the adiponectin in our body.
 # Increased intake of magnesium in large quanta. Magnesium can be found in seeds, esp pumpkin seeds, vegetables and other supplements containing magnesium. 
# Engage yourself in intermittent fasting continuously( fast for a day and eat a lot the next day)
- Too Much Ghrelin:
 This is called the hunger homone because it increases your urge for food. Secreted from the P/D1 cells lining the fundus(The portion of a hollow organ. Eg, stomach, uterus,eye; opposite or farthest to the main opening) the more ghrelin you have in your body the more hungrier you are. And the hard fact is that ghrelin works directly on the hunger center of your brain by activating the brain’s reward response to highly addictive sweet, fatty foods. This increases your food intake at the worst possible time, usually at night, and ultimately makes you gain more weight. Short sleep increases your ghrelin level and lead to more fat being stored in your body. As the hours of sleep increases, ghrelin level decreases thereby reducing appetitte and food consumption. So, we have seen it, sleep well. -Insulin imbalance: Insulin is the hormone responsible for converting excess glucose into glycogen which is stored in the liver. If the insulin becomes less effective, the level of sugar and glucose in the body. This dosent mean you are suffering from diabetics but its means that your glucose regulator(insulin) become less effective at lowering your blood sugar. When this is happening the body's sugar accumulates and when this happens the body converts the glucose into fatty cells and they come together to form adipose tissue and embed themselves on the walls of the skin especially the stomach(obesity) But a recent study found that consuming 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before a meal significantly reduces blood glucose levels for those people suffering from insulin imbalance. prescription drugs at regulating blood sugar.
- Cortisol overload: 
Your body produces cortisol in response to stress and ramps you up so you can be ready to fight or flee. This CAN be a good thing in dangerous situations, like if you were to run across a bear while hiking. But the constant stress we’re all under in today’s hectic, 24/7, crisis-driven world elevates our cortisol levels far beyond what we were originally designed by God to handle. The result is a quadruple setback on your waistline( okay! this is why our Nigeria ladies develop big waists some years after marrying them because of their figure 8 and well shaped waist) Excess cortisol increases your cravings for sweets and carbs, which can lead to overeating and constant hunger. Cortisol causes your body to actually BREAK DOWN your muscle tissue for energy. Which is absolutely the worst thing for weight loss since the less muscle you have, the lower your metabolism will be and the more fat you’ll gain. Elevad cortisol levels cause a larger percentage of fat to be stored in thal area. What’s worse is that the more abdominal fat you have, the more cortisol you produce in response to stress, which then causes more abdominal fat to be stored. Finally, recent studies link high cortisol levels to depression in adults and children. And we all know that when you’re depressed, you eat MORE. It’s like a vicious cycle with no end in sight! Natural Stress Relief First of all, you need to know that caffeine(found in coffee) increases cortisol secretion in people undergoing mental stress. Here is a good exercise that reduces stress fast: As you’re sitting there, simply breathe in through your nose and count to four, hold it for 2 seconds. Make sure to breathe into your belly- it should expand. Then let the air out through your mouth until it’s comfortable – then pause for one second. Repeat this 8 times and you’ll reset your stress response… easy!
 Note: This is the weight reduction volume 1, stay tuned as I unroll the volume 2 soonest. I will enlighten you more on why you still retain the fat after so many fat reduction programs and how you will shed it all am be that lovely damsel guys will collide the pole, fall inside the gutter while staring at. While the guys seeking for a ripped stomach and huge protruding muscle, it cannot be possible unless you shed your belle fat. And this is were you get it all. I remain my humble self, J_HENRY.

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