Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How To Hide Photos On Samsung Galaxy A7

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Privacy is a crucial part of everyone’s lives, and according to researchers, over 65% of the private issues of people who own smartphones are on their smartphones. Private things on our smartphones could range from photos, text messages, audios, videos, and so on. Adding a password to your phone might not be enough at times as sometimes you might need to borrow some people our phones which might involve you unlocking the phone for such person or your phone might probably fall into the wrong hands while it is unlocked. So, the best way is to hide such files, and today we are going to be talking about how to hide photos on Samsung Galaxy A7.

For users of the Samsung Galaxy A7, you might have tried to hide some photos on your Samsung Galaxy A7 but were not able well all you have to do is read on and by the end of this tutorial you should be able to hide photos on your Samsung Galaxy A7. The best part is that you can use Private Mode on your Samsung Galaxy A7 and the photos will not be able to be found at all except by you and you do not need to download any app on your phone to do this.
To hide your photos on your Samsung Galaxy A7, you need first to go to the Private Mode on your phone, and then you will need to set up a password or pattern protection.
How to enable Private Mode on Samsung Galaxy A7

  • Use two fingers to swipe down from the top of the screen at the same time.
  • You will see a list of options. From the list, click on Private Mode.
  • If you are entering Private Mode for the first time, you will need to go through a quick walk-through, and you will be asked to enter a PIN code which you will need to enter whenever you want to enter the Private mode.
How to disable Private Mode on Samsung Galaxy A7
  • Only go the Private Mode feature using the method above.
  • Tick on the box beside Private Mode and then it will go back to normal.
How to add and remove files from Private Mode on the Galaxy A7
  • Click on make viewable only in Private Mode
  • After you have turned private mode on, go to the file you wish to hide and then tap and hold on it and a list of options will appear.
  • Select the file (s) and then select the Overflow menu button in the upper right.
  • Click on Move to Private
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