Sunday, 25 September 2016

what is Monkey Test And Time Services Malware and how to remove it on Android

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This is one of the oldest uncle in town called monkey test and time service. It is a major threat to all Android devices; it has already infected 70% of android devices and lots more are been entangled by it as time goes bye.

The unwanted and annoying apps is always shown in the recent apps, and it can not be uninstalled even if you factory reset your device. It automatically installed unwanted apps without your permission, consumes space and drain your battery. If you must have noticed some annoying pop up ads from your device the moment you turn on your internet, this is the cause of it. I call it Android demons that needs to be cast out permanently.

How to Remove Monkey Test And Time Services

I'm going to share with you two easy ways to deal with this permanently.


Your device must be rooted
download Titanum back up pro

==>Install Titanum back up pro. Tap back up and restore>>Tap monkey test and time services

==> Click on Freeze

That's it, Titanum Back up will freeze the malware from installing unwanted applications

==>Go to settings>>Security>Uncheck unknown souces

==>Go to settings>Security>Slide on app permission so that no apps will auto install itself.

Method 2
Rom Flashing
This method involves flashing your device with a new rom completely. This will restore your device back to initial without the Malware.
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