Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Report : More than 70 Galaxy Note 7 units have exploded in the US

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Samsung said in its press announcement covering the Galaxy Note 7 recall that it found 35 incidents of faulty batteries. That number seemed like a drop in the bucket compared to the total 2.5 million units that were shipped to retail partners and consumers. But this is still a pretty serious matter that could potentially affect people’s safety. Since recalling the phablet, more Galaxy Note 7 explosion incidents have been recorded, including various cases in the US.

It turns out there are a lot more Galaxy Note 7 units that have exploded since launch. According to data obtained by Health Canada , Samsung has received over 70 reports in the US alone since launch. Some of the most notable incidents already made the news — the Galaxy Note 7 set a house on fire , burned a Jeep , and
exploded in the hands of a 6-year-old child.

Health Canada is the government agency responsible for consumer safety in the country. The agency says that almost 22,000 Galaxy Note 7 units were sold in the region since launch. Of note only one report of a battery overheating has been filed with Health Canada and Samsung Canada.

A press announcement posted on Tuesday on Samsung’s Canadian site says that Samsung officially recalled Galaxy Note 7 phones in the region, mentioning Health Canada’s official involvement. That means it’s now illegal to sell the Note 7 in the region, so you can no longer lawfully buy the phone in Canada for the time being. More information about the Canadian recall is available
at this link.

A few days ago, Samsung confirmed that it partnered with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall the Galaxy Note 7 in the US officially. Initially, Samsung chose to recall the handset without involving the agency, thus bypassing recall rules in the US.
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