Thursday, 16 June 2016

things getting better as BBM video calling features now available for Android Users

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the long Awaited Video calling Feature on BBM is now available and can be used by ios and Android Users, although there are Many ways of making video calls, via Facebook, skype, hangout etc, but if you still want to join the BlackBerry users, then you can also start using the Video calling features on BBM.

There’s no sign-up or approval required to use the feature. When you tap the icon to initiate a call with one of your BBM contacts, BBM will ask whether you want to make a voice call or try a video call with the beta feature (provided your contact is also eligible to participate).

Although the BB10 users have been rocking this features but it been made available for all now..

This feature was made available to US and Canada only in early May while still in its beta stage, and now BBM users in Africa and other countries (but not all)can now make video calls on their Android or iOS devices.

Minimum Requirement
Android: OS 4.4 (KitKat) and higher
iOS: iOS 8 and higher
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