Saturday, 14 May 2016

My Experience with the MTN Night Browsing For N25 so Far

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#Am_Feeling_Dizzy(If you see any error, i stand to be corrected )

so where are the witches in the house that won't sleep @ Night just to

By the grace of God, i was able to be Awaken for 3 consecutive nights and i have been observing things about this Mtn Night Browsing for N25.

The first days was kinda cool, although I woke up pretty Late and sent the keyword which is Night to 131, at first it didn't work until i migrated to Mtn iPulse by dialing *406*1#, then i resent the Keyword! and it was Activated.

so i started browsing and download, Normally it is said to be Capped @ 500MB as Mentioned #HERE, but that is not really true as i was able to used more than 1GB the first night and i was a little bit surprised and thats is for day 1.

DAY 2.

so as usual i set up my Alarm to ring by 11:59PM , and I woke up subscribed Again and i set of to my downloading business, this second day was not that cool though, as i used just about 700MB and it stopped browsing although is still cool na. with just N25? haba, I know some of you will try to renew it but don't worry we are coming to that.

DAY 3.
this 3rd day was the worst i woke up by 2:30AM and i was set for the journey, at first my balance was not upto N25(i was furious), had to borrow airtime from MTN to set off, and i was only able to use just 550MB before it stopped working. #Still_A_Fair_Play sha..

now many things may be running through your mind now questions like can it be renewed Same night? is the speed throttled? etc.


Can it be renewed the same night?

the answer is NO!! it can't be renewed same night on the same sim, After you might have axhausted your Given MB that Night, am sorry because you must have to wait for the next day to re-activate it, unless you have another MTN sim, then you can do it again but with different Sim.

Is the Speed Throttled?
My answer is NO!!, infact we all know that night is the best time to download heavy files if you want to download with high speed on any network, Night is actually the best time to do that, i was able to Attain the speed of 1 to 5MB/s on this MTN night plan.

You can see the Speed i was attaining, so it is not speed throttled.

Is this a Free browsing Cheat?
i know that there are some Religious ones out there that thinks cheating networks is a sin. Anyway what i have to tell you guys it that this Particular one is officially introduced by MTN, and of course it is Legal.

so guy what of you? what has been your Experience with this new MTN improvements? is your speed throttled? is yours fast? were you able to renew yours same night? and for those having difficulty with this plan, i would also love to hear from you.

please try to leave a comment, and comment using UC browser, Firefox, or chrome browser.
*OperaMini won't work*
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  1. Well first day mine was capped with 700mb..said that in the last post and I tried migration but it didn't work so I waited till the next which was today which I didn't finish using cos I was sleepy..mehn mtn dey vex oo, the time ehnn it's just annoying but when you see this kinda opportunity, you just gotta take it..well it's for night crawlers and G boys of course, but when are we gonna have a day plan like this, musicplus nko? Anyway I know you trying your best. *Thumb up*

  2. Well i'm currently at day 3, Mtn network is slow around my house so i can't possibly reach your speed even with my laptop. I hope this continues for a long time. so many things to do with this shit...

  3. Mark, that very poor over there o, I think it because of your Area, But i think it still better right?
