This is not just the 21 st century, but the age where new technology comes out every day with new innovations. Like the sayings goes, too much of everything is not good.
Some of the things we do daily have even turn into a habit that a lot of us find it difficult to leave.
They’ve often told us that whatever you do for 21 days becomes part of you. But what if you are told you can
stop bad habits in 5 days?

Pavlok , is first device that helps you break bad habits by deleting temptation for good. It’s a small device that will send small
shocks to you whenever you engage in a bad habit you’d like to break. All you have to do is input whatever it is you’d like to stop doing into the accompanying app and then wear it. It gives you a small electric shock every time you don’t meet your goals, no matter what they are.

I’m pretty sure you don’t need prayers to stop all bad habit, you need Pavlok! What do you think?
Some of the things we do daily have even turn into a habit that a lot of us find it difficult to leave.
They’ve often told us that whatever you do for 21 days becomes part of you. But what if you are told you can
stop bad habits in 5 days?

Pavlok , is first device that helps you break bad habits by deleting temptation for good. It’s a small device that will send small
shocks to you whenever you engage in a bad habit you’d like to break. All you have to do is input whatever it is you’d like to stop doing into the accompanying app and then wear it. It gives you a small electric shock every time you don’t meet your goals, no matter what they are.

I’m pretty sure you don’t need prayers to stop all bad habit, you need Pavlok! What do you think?