Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Volvo Sets to Bring Its Self-driving Car To London

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Drive-free cars are the reigning vehicles now and i see them becoming rampant in few years to come. These cars can travel a
number of kilometers on their own without a human being operating them. That's why technology is the best thing that ever happened to mankind.

According to the senior technical leader for crash avoidance at Volvo, Trent Victor "In autonomous mode, the car can handle all situations that occur," he continued "Going down a stretch of road, the car takes the
responsibility for extreme events. If you don't take over, if you just want to do email, the car will take the responsibility and safely stop at the side of the road." Victor said.

Then, Volvo is not just wanting to convey the car to United Kingdom however plans are in progress to take it to United States soon however the real date is not yet made open as at the season of distributed this report.

The Volvo drive me occasion will likewise hit Asia and different nations from there on.
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