Saturday, 9 April 2016

New Mtn Musicplus Proxy Server for free browsing on Psiphon

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I started Receiving lots of Complain from folks about the Mtn Musicplus not connecting with their Various VPN's, I on the other hand, am using another Proxy server similar to the normal server we are all using, so because of so many complaints, i have decided to let it out to the ones that are Affected. If you are New to the New Musicplus Tweak. see How you can Get upto 6GB with just N600 on Musicplus

So if proxy server aint connecting Again kindly Open your preferred VPN, and use this New proxy server.
That's All, Save it and connect and keep on surfing..

Also See April 2016 working free browsing cheat for Mtn, Etisalat, Glo,
receive our updates directly to your phone now SMS follow techrul to 40404 to starts Now!!!(SMS is Free)




  1. Hey, I just wanna say I'm glad you brought this back, the 7.5gb nd 15K isn't working for me, pretty sure it selects sim but I just wanna say thank you for this. Always legit :)

  2. I give up..this isn't working for me

  3. Does this mean is hasn't been blocked? And pls can you link me to the etisalat social me settings if that's still working
