MTN magic SIM is back and working again in 2016. Those of you that enjoyed it last year will testify how awesome this cheat is. Magic SIM is simple to activate and it doesn't require any VPN application or tunneling software so this means that you won't face the hustles of synphonshield, Psiphon, Simple Server, Tweakware or even JWP app while using the magic SIM. I wanted to confirm it myself and
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Download Molded Tweakware VPN For Faster BrowsingThis app is new and hot in the free browsing world. It is a molded Tweakware VPN application with b
If Your MTN 0.00 Free Browsing Stop Working; Use This Proxy ServerIf you are among those flexing MTN 0.00 tweak, you will notice that it stopped working around 12:30
Moded Tweakware Psiphon Settings For Airtel 0.00 Browsing TrickOh yes I know you all are blazing and enjoying the new Psiphon in Tweakware clothing nicknamed Twea
MTN BBLITED, BBLITEW Is Working Again With This New Settings And TrickHello to you that is reading this post right now. I want to tell you that you are in the right plac
MTN Free Browsing With On PsiphonA reader of this blog by name Horlabawole suggested and asked me how to brows free on Mtn using the
Another Free 150MB From MTN, See How To Get It.While am still trying my best to get another free and cheap browsing solutions for all of us here t