MTN magic SIM is back and working again in 2016. Those of you that enjoyed it last year will testify how awesome this cheat is. Magic SIM is simple to activate and it doesn't require any VPN application or tunneling software so this means that you won't face the hustles of synphonshield, Psiphon, Simple Server, Tweakware or even JWP app while using the magic SIM. I wanted to confirm it myself and
Saturday, 5 March 2016
How To Use Etisalat BIS On Android Devices 2016We all know that MTN BIS and Airtel BIS plans has been working on Android devices though that of MT
Netloop VPN Settings For MTN 0.00 Free Browsing (Simple Server)I hope you are still rocking this unlimited MTN Free Browsing on your phone with Psiphon, Tweakware
Settings For Airtel 0.00 unlimited Free Browsing Tweak ReloadedAirtel and Glo has been very stingy in terms of free and cheap browsing tweaks unlike in MTN and Et
Tweak This IMEI To Get Free 101MB NowWe welcome back IMEI tweaking which has been scarce for sometimes now after our telecom operators w
Checkout Magic SIM Alternatives As Of NowAre you worried and surprised that MTN blocked the wonderful magic SIM that has been blazing for a
MTN Free Browsing With On PsiphonA reader of this blog by name Horlabawole suggested and asked me how to brows free on Mtn using the