Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Latest working proxy server for Mtn 0.0k unlimited free browsing via psipon, Netify VPN

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New free browsing cheat are trooping in everyday, so i will on updating you guys with all the Latest 2016 free browsing and unlimited downloading cheats.

i know many of you guys Really enjoyed the Mtn unlimited browsing with 0.k via psiphon, Netify, Netloop and other Vpn. the former proxy server was blocked, but today, am here again with another working proxy server for the 0.0k unlimited browsing via psiphon.

Settings for the Latest working proxy servers for Mtn 0.0k unlimited free browsing via psipon, Netify VPN..

Open your Psiphon Vpn, (for those using Netify VPN and Syphon shield- it is the same settings).

Use the below settings

- Tick *remove port*

Proxy type : Real Host

Proxy server :

Real proxy type : HTTP

Real proxy Server:

Real proxy port : 8080

Save it and click on *More Options*

Set with the below settings.

Tick - *Connect through HTTP…………*

- use the following settings

Host address -
Port - 8080 

Settings for the Latest working proxy servers for Mtn 0.0k unlimited free browsing for Netloop Vpn

open your  NETLOOP VPN and set connection mode to local server.

click on connection settings

proxy host =>
port => 8080

tweak type => host replacement

Injection host =>

thats all, connect and start surfing unlimitedly.
Note- this is a free browsing cheat, so we cant escape the disadvantage of it,
when you try connecting it for the first time, it may not connect, so all you have to do is to off and on your data and connect it again. continue doing it like this until it finally connect.

if you have any other complain or question, kindly use the comment box
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