Youtube is very popular in the world today and its ranked 3rd in the world after Google and Facebook. But seriously, Youtube is still the most popular streaming website in the world.
The major problem some find about youtube is that, it only allows them to stream videos but it doesn't allow them to download it, am sure some of you guys have a way of downloading Youtube videos, thats the my aim of me writing this post for the benefit of others if not for all.

How to Download YouTube videos without stress
after reading this post, you don't need to visit youtube Again, unless you want to stream videos, but if you need to download any video from youtube, am going to introduce you to a site that has all Youtube videos, so you won't stress your self again getting YouTube video ID and so on....
Now first Visit this url
This is a screenshot of the Site.

How to Search And Download videos from Youtube on Naijashoot.com
As you can see, the website is a little bit like youtube, but allows you to download videos instead, all you have to do is use the search button as though you are searching on youtube..

You can see the above image, Where i searched for Premier league Highlights and you can also see the results.
Now click on any video of your choice to download..

This above images shows you the download Link of the Video you searched for with different Quality and sizes. Choose any quality that soothes you and Enjoy your videos. Very easy right?
You can also download it as Audio *.mp3* format. All you have to do is click on the
Download as MP3 (HQ Convert)
above the video download link..
And that is How to Download YouTube videos without stress...
Kindly share before living