Monday, 21 March 2016

Having problem with mtn Bis? Enjoy this New Mtn 0.0K free browsing Cheat on psiphon with new server

receive our updates directly to your phone now SMS follow techrul to to starts Now!!!(MTN USERS ONLY and SMS is Free)
Seriously, everybody will testify that Mtn Indeed have been having a big problem with their Server for a long time now.

Yesterday i noticed that Mtn Bis is no longer subscribing, (All Blackberry Subs aint working) , when you try to susbcribe you get negative response.

Hy, your subscription to BB10 Midi daily is failed

And i know everybody is experiencing this problem.
Also read New Working Psiphon
Settings for you mtn BIS subscription on

Anyway Here is another Mtn 0.0K free browsing cheat on board now which am currently using to share this post, and i have been using it for a while now and now i have decided to share it to my readers..

• First your Account Balance Must be 0.0K or must be be above N5.00 .

also read How to Enjoy free
150Mb and 200Mb via Kaymu server with

Psiphon settings

• proxy type => Real Host
• proxy server =>
• Real proxy type => HTTP
• Real proxy sever =>
• Real proxy port => 8080

Other settings Remains the Same.. save and Connect..

Comment if yours did not work, Drop your numbers for whatsapp group chat!!
receive our updates directly to your phone now SMS follow techrul to 40404 to starts Now!!!(SMS is Free)




  1. It's working perfectly.Thanks n u ar d best cos u share it 1st

  2. He's always the best buh this ain't working maybe it cost of my bb sub plus got N70 left and I don't think bb sub is affecting Me oh..just that I can't download, it disconnects.

  3. Is it just me or have this thing been blocked..I did the sub yesterday and was just given 15mb and that's all..can anyone tell me what's up? Plz b4 I go sub again.
