Saturday, 27 February 2016

Have you Heard? simple server have changed her name to Netloop Vpn

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So i was trying to update my outdated Simple Android Server (SAS) ,so i noticed that they have changed the Brand name to another name called Netloop Vpn

NetLoop Vpn is formerly known as Simple Android Server
This app contains a Proxy Server and a Free VPN.

The VPN is not a full featured VPN. it is not provided for security but for tunneling purposes.

if you are using NetLoop's proxy server option please make remove any existing proxy server address in your device's APN settings. Failure to do this will cause Some of your apps not to go through the VPN

VPN features:

• HTTP request Compression.
•Ability to modify TCP connection parameters.
• Ability to use hotspot over VPN ( Requires root )
•Ability to use multiple concurrent connections to the VPN servers for the best Network usage experience

Local server features:

•modify outgoing requests.
•specify alternate proxy servers to send a request through
•provide alternate headers and ability to strip headers from incoming http responses
•ability to choose number of connections to be maintained by the app (good for power management)
•ability to share configurations through any file transfer method.
•System wide proxy service

if you are to use this app with the proxy server feature, make sure that the device's proxy server feature is disabled:.

to use a received config.json file as the current setting:

•locate the received file using any file manager of your choice
•open the share menu of the file manager and select "use file as config"
•Launch NetLoop and use Load Config

The Profiles Feature lets you easily switch between configurations when using NetLoop

Where to Get Netloop Vpn

It very simple, just go to playstore and search for the name, for those that Already have SaS, you will have to Update it to the know one.

you can still use it to rock your Mtn Bis and Mtn 0.0k cheat with the same settings.

So tell us what you think about this New Improvements via the Comment Box..

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  1. Pls i dnt seems to understand d new setting of dis netloop. My own does nt download more dan 2mb. Hlp me so dat it can be working as bfore

    1. Pls, hlp me out with d settings layouts., it's possible dat have tampered with d settings unknowingly.... Plzzzz.
