Are you new to Etisalat Unlimited
social pack? Kindly Click HERE
Yesterday , i posted a post about
using Tweakware to Rock Etisalat
Unlimited Browsing And
Downloading . Then i notice that lot
of people are having some issues
when trying to connect
Especially for those
running the app for the first time.
Its show connected and always stay
at Authentication successful but
refuse to Browse. so i decide to
show you the best solution to this

I have two Methods that will enable
your Tweakware to show connected
and browse when you click connect.
So, Kindly follow the Steps by Steps
procedure below.
• Method 1
When you are running Tweakware
for the first time you need to update
your tweakware server.
All you have to do is to connect your chatpack via JwP or SaS so that the Tweakware would have an Internet Connection to Update.
Now launch your Tweakware, then Press and
hold the server list on the Home
screen to update servers. And you
can now select any server available
on the list and Connect it and enjoy the Speed.

•Method 2
For this you need to
manually configure the Tweakware
by inputting the Proxy Host (IP) and
Port under Tweakware Network
Go to Settings>>

Under Settings enter>> Network
Settings >> Proxy Host and Port use any of
the working Proxy server and for
etisalat social pack.

That’s all and you can now have a
successful connection, Unlimited Downloads + Streaming .
See • Simple Way to Bypass The Unlimited Etisalat
Social Pack Throttling
Comment below for Any other problem you are Facing .
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social pack? Kindly Click HERE
Yesterday , i posted a post about
Unlimited Browsing And
Downloading . Then i notice that lot
of people are having some issues
when trying to connect
Especially for those
running the app for the first time.
Its show connected and always stay
at Authentication successful but
refuse to Browse. so i decide to
show you the best solution to this

I have two Methods that will enable
your Tweakware to show connected
and browse when you click connect.
So, Kindly follow the Steps by Steps
procedure below.
• Method 1
When you are running Tweakware
for the first time you need to update
your tweakware server.
All you have to do is to connect your chatpack via JwP or SaS so that the Tweakware would have an Internet Connection to Update.
Now launch your Tweakware, then Press and
hold the server list on the Home
screen to update servers. And you
can now select any server available
on the list and Connect it and enjoy the Speed.

•Method 2
For this you need to
manually configure the Tweakware
by inputting the Proxy Host (IP) and
Port under Tweakware Network
Go to Settings>>

Under Settings enter>> Network
Settings >> Proxy Host and Port use any of
the working Proxy server and for
etisalat social pack.

That’s all and you can now have a
successful connection, Unlimited Downloads + Streaming .
See • Simple Way to Bypass The Unlimited Etisalat
Social Pack Throttling
Comment below for Any other problem you are Facing .
Share this post >>> Sharing is Sexy