A Saudi prince was arrested at a hillside compound near
Beverly Hills on Wednesday Sept. 23 after being accused
of trying to force a worker to perform a sex act on him,
Los Angeles police said.
Glen area, within a gated community on Wallingford
Drive, after a caretaker at the home reported a
disturbance, officials said.
After officers interviewed people inside, a 28-year-old
man identified as Saudi prince Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud
was arrested on suspicion of forced oral copulation of an
He was booked and freed on $300,000 bail Thursday
afternoon, jail records show. He could not immediately be
reached for comment.
LAPD Officer Drake Madison said Al-Saud was
booked after 4 p.m.
The LAPD has a consul liaison division that checks with
foreign nations' consulates regarding diplomatic immunity,
said Capt. Tina Nieto.
Police determined Al-Saud does not have immunity in this
case, she said.
Some foreign royalty do have diplomatic immunity, but it
depends on the dignitary's status in his home country’s
government and the level of the offense he commits in the
U.S., she said.
Jail records show Al-Saud is scheduled to appear in court
Oct. 19.
Neighbor Tennyson Collins said a resident reported seeing
a bleeding woman scream for help as she tried to scale the
property’s 8-foot-high wall Wednesday afternoon.
When Collins drove home from work after 1:30 p.m.,
police followed his car through the gates and onto the
property, which he described as a compound. The website
Zillow valued the 22,000-square-foot property at $37
Officers escorted some 20 people out of the house, many of
them staff, Collins said.
Police said Al-Saud was renting the home. Collins said
various foreign nationals have been renting out the property
for weeks at a time over the last year but that the biggest
incident up to Wednesday had just been a raucous party or
two. One person who rented out the home stationed armed
guards at the gates, he said.
“Obviously neighbors aren’t happy about it, but it is
what it is,” Collins said of the international visitors.